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Squid ― Scala Quoted DSLs

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Squid (for the approximative contraction of Scala Quoted DSLs) is a metaprogramming framework that facilitates the type-safe manipulation of Scala programs. Squid extends multi-stage programming capabilities with support for code inspection and code transformation. It has special support for library-defined optimizations [2] and helps with the compilation of domain-specific languages (DSL) embedded in Scala [1]. Squid uses advanced static typing techniques to prevent common metaprogramming errors, such as scope extrusion [3].

Caution: Squid is still experimental, and the interfaces it exposes may slightly change in the future. This applies especially to the semi-internal interfaces used to implement intermediate representation backends (the Base trait and derived).

To give a quick taste of Squid's capabilities, here is a very basic example of program manipulation. The full source code can be found here, in the example folder.

Assume we define some library function foo as below:

@embed object Test {
  @phase('MyPhase) // phase specification helps with mechanized inlining
  def foo[T](xs: List[T]) = xs.head

The @embed annotation allows Squid to the see the method implementations inside an object or class, so that they can be inlined later automatically (as shown below) –– note that this annotation is not required in general, as non-annotated methods can also be used inside quasiquotes.

What follows is an example REPL session demonstrating some program manipulation using Squid quasiquotes, transformers and first-class term rewriting:

// Syntax `code"t"` represents term `t` in some specified intermediate representation
> val pgrm0 = code" :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil) + 1"
pgrm0: ClosedCode[Double] = code"""
  val x_0 =[scala.Int](scala.collection.immutable.Nil.::[scala.Int](3).::[scala.Int](2).::[scala.Int](1));
// ^ triple-quotation """ is for multi-line strings

// `Lowering('P)` builds a transformer that inlines all functions marked with phase `P`
// Here we inline ``, which is annotated at phase `'MyPhase`
> val pgrm1 = pgrm0 transformWith (new Lowering('MyPhase) with BottomUpTransformer)
pgrm1: ClosedCode[Double] = code"scala.collection.immutable.Nil.::[scala.Int](3).::[scala.Int](2).::[scala.Int](1).head.+(1).toDouble"

// Next, we perform a fixed-point rewriting to partially-evaluate
// the statically-known parts of our program:
> val pgrm2 = pgrm1 fix_rewrite {
    case code"($xs:List[$t]).::($x).head" => x
    case code"(${Const(n)}:Int) + (${Const(m)}:Int)" => Const(n + m)
pgrm2: ClosedCode[Double] = code"2.toDouble"

// Finally, let's runtime-compile and evaluate that program!
> pgrm2.compile
res0: Double = 2.0

Naturally, this simple REPL session can be generalized into a proper domain-specific compiler that will work on any input program (for example, see the stream fusion compiler [2]).

It is then possible to turn this into a static program optimizer, so that writing the following expression expands at compile time into just println(2), as show in the IntroExampleTest file:

MyOptimizer.optimize{ println( :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil) + 1) }

We could also turn this into a dedicated Squid macro, an alternative to the current Scala-reflection macros.


Squid currently supports Scala versions 2.11.3 to 2.11.11 (more recent versions might work as well, but have not yet been tested). A port to Scala 2.12 is underway.

In your project, add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "squid" % "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"

Some features related to library-defined optimizations and squid macros, such as @embed and @macroDef, require the use of the macro-paradise plugin. To use these features, add the following to your build.sbt:

val paradiseVersion = "2.1.0"

autoCompilerPlugins := true

addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % paradiseVersion cross CrossVersion.full)

In case you wish to use a more recent version that has not yet been published, you'll have to clone this repository and publish Squid locally, which can be done by executing the script in bin/

Overview of Features

Squid Quasiquotes

Quasiquotes are the primitive tool that Squid provides to manipulate program fragments –– building, composing and decomposing them. Quasiquotes are central to most aspects of program transformation in Squid.

You can find an in-depth tutorial about Squid quasiquotes here.

Note: In the original Squid papers [1] and [2], we used Code[T] as the type of program fragments. With the introduction of scope safety and our POPL 2018 paper [3], this type now takes an extra parameter, as in Code[T,C] where C represent the term's context requirements.
One cans still use type OpenCode[T] when context requirements are not important; this type has limited capabilities (no run or compile, for instance), but can be turned into a closed code type with method unsafe_asClosedCode. On the other hand, ClosedCode[T] (a synonym for Code[T,{}]) is the type of closed program fragments.

Type-Safe Code Manipulation

Unlike the standard Scala Reflection quasiquotes, Squid quasiquotes are statically-typed and hygienic, ensuring that manipulated programs remain well-scoped and well-typed and that variable bindings and other symbols do not get mixed up. Still, Squid quasiquotes support a flexible pattern-matching syntax and facilities to traverse programs recursively while applying transformations.

While Squid quasiquotes focus on expressions (not definitions), Squid also provides a way to embed arbitrary class and object definitions so that their methods can be inlined effortlessly, at the discretion of the metaprogrammer.

As a quick reference for Squid users, we provide a cheat sheet that summarizes the features of Squid quasiquotes. Also see the quasiquotes tutorial.

Squid fully support the multi-staged programming paradigm (MSP), allowing the composition and evaluation of program fragments at runtime (via runtime compilation or reflective interpretation).

In addition, since Squid provides type-safe code inspection capabilities (a novelty in the field of statically-typed staging), it can be used to achieve quoted staged rewriting (QSR) [2], an approach to program optimization that mixes the advantages of user-defined rewrite rules, strategic program transformation and MSP.

Squid provides tools to create static optimizers, which are used to optimize at compile time delimited portions of a user's codebase. Together with quoted staged rewriting, this capability allows for quite flexible and safe library-defined optimizations [2].

Click here to learn more about static optimizers.

Squid supports the definition and composition of custom program transformers and transformation strategies. This is achieved via Scala mixin-composition and quasiquote-based rewriting declarations. Squid transformers are type-preserving, and they make sure that transformed programs remain well-typed and well-scoped.

Click here to learn more about Squid transformers.

Squid quasiquotes, and Squid's infrastructure in general, are unique in that they are generic in the actual intermediate representation (IR) used to encode program fragments. Custom IRs can be implemented and plugged into Squid to gain the high-level, type-safe features offered by Squid. This is done by implementing Squid's object algebra interface [1].

Click here to learn more about Squid intermediate representations.

Squid macros are an experimental type-safe alternative to legacy scala-reflect macros, based on Squid's infrastructure. The current implementation is a very rough prototype that should not yet be relied upon.

As an example, here is the short program transformation showed at the beginning of this document, rewritten as a Squid macro:

def myMacro(pgrm0: Double) = {
  // in this scope, `pgrm0` has type `Code[Double]`
  val pgrm1 = pgrm0 transformWith (new Lowering('MyPhase) with BottomUpTransformer)
  val pgrm2 = pgrm1 rewrite {
    case code"($xs:List[$t]).::($x).head" => x
    case code"(${Const(n)}:Int) + (${Const(m)}:Int)" => Const(n+m)

// the following should appear in a different project:
myMacro( :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil) + 1) // expands into `2.toDouble`

(Note: the macroDef feature currently lives in experimental branch squid-macros.)

Applications of Squid

Squid is new. See the examples folder for examples. A little query compiler built with Squid can be found here. Another LINQ-inspired query engine build with Squid can be found here.


[1]: Lionel Parreaux, Amir Shaikhha, and Christoph E. Koch. 2017. Squid: Type-Safe, Hygienic, and Reusable Quasiquotes. In Proceedings of the 2017 8th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Scala (SCALA 2017). (Get the paper here.)

[2]: Lionel Parreaux, Amir Shaikhha, and Christoph E. Koch. 2017. Quoted Staged Rewriting: a Practical Approach to Library-Defined Optimizations. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 2017). Best Paper Award. (Get the paper here.)

[3]: Lionel Parreaux, Antoine Voizard, Amir Shaikhha, and Christoph E. Koch. Unifying Analytic and Statically-Typed Quasiquotes. To appear in Proc. POPL 2018. (Get the paper here.)