A minimalist Flutter game engine.
Any help is appreciated! Comment, suggestions, issues, PR's! Give us a star to help!
We have a Flame help channel on Fireslime's Discord, join it here. Also we now have a FAQ, so please search your questions there first.
The goal of this project is to provided a complete set of out-of-the-way solutions for the common problems every game developed in Flutter will share.
Currently it provides you with: a few utilities, images/sprites/sprite sheets, audio, a game loop and a component/object system.
You can use whatever ones you want, as they are all somewhat independent.
Support us by becoming a patron on Patreon
Or making a single donation buying us a coffee:
You can also show support by showing on your repository that your game is made with Flame by using one of the following badges:
Found a bug on Flame and want to contribute with a PR? PRs are always very welcome, just be sure to create your PR from the develop
Check out this great series of articles/tutorials written by Alekhin
- Create a Mobile Game with Flutter and Flame – Beginner Tutorial
- 2D Casual Mobile Game Tutorial – Step by Step with Flame and Flutter (Part 1 of 5)
- Game Graphics and Animation Tutorial – Step by Step with Flame and Flutter (Part 2 of 5)
- Views and Dialog Boxes Tutorial – Step by Step with Flame and Flutter (Part 3 of 5)
- Scoring, Storage, and Sound Tutorial – Step by Step with Flame and Flutter (Part 4 of 5)
- Game Finishing and Packaging Tutorial – Step by Step with Flame and Flutter (Part 5 of 5)
We also offer a curated list of Games, Libraries and Articles over at awesome-flame.
The complete documentation can be found here.
A very cool docs site can be found here.
- Fireslime, the team responsible for maintaining Flame
- All the friendly contributors and people who are helping in the community.
- My own audioplayers lib, which in turn is forked from rxlabz's.
- The Dart port of Box2D.
- inu-no-policemen's post on reddit, which helped me a lot with the basics
- Everyone who answered my beginner's questions on Stack Overflow