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Tags: equinor/cwrap



Toggle 1.6.9's commit message
Fixup for workflow call


Toggle 1.6.8's commit message
Move to src based setup


Toggle 1.6.7's commit message
Remove support for Python 2


Toggle 1.6.6's commit message
Add test for conversion of BaseCEnum to c_int

Test for implicit conversion to c_int which is deprecated in Python3.11.
Use Pytest to run tests, and remove unused/old tests.


Toggle 1.6.5's commit message
Fix basecenum not able to bind methods

Due to the newly added is_initialized, it was
no longer possible to bind methods to a BaseCEnum
this is fixed by adding a is_initialized method
to BaseCEnum.


Toggle 1.6.4's commit message
Add check that object is done initialized before calling bound functions


Toggle 1.6.3's commit message
Change pypi to use token


Toggle 1.6.2's commit message


This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
Fix ArgumentError handling

Closes #30


Toggle 1.6.1's commit message
Convert ArgumentError to TypeError when calling C function

ArgumentError belongs to ctypes, and the fact that we are using ctype is
just an implementation details. In order to catch that exception, ctypes
has to be imported as well, so that implementation detail might spread
through the code base.
By converting it to a TypeError, ctypes stays confined inside cwrap,
which also makes it easier for user to drop methods based on a C
implementation for a pure python implmentation

The error message in the exception now looks like this

`Argument 4: cannot create a <class 'ctypes.c_double'> from the given
value [1, 2, 3] (<type 'list'>)`

It still mentions ctypes, and it is not trivial to get rid of it while
maintinaing the message as informative as it is now. The content of the
message is arguably not part of the API so I decided to not investigate
this further


Toggle 1.6.0's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request #26 from andreabrambilla/py3win

Support Python 3 on Windows