This is the source code of the bot that posts on and
Most of the base Twitter code originates from the following Glitch template!/twitterbot
This bot is inspired by I grew up during the period where Mac OSX had those amazing looking themes and I just wanted to build a bot that'd share those gems of the past 😊
Themes are grabed from two different sources:
Fortunately the website has a very specific/strict layout and is thus quite easy to scrape. scraper.js
is responsible of scraping the themes. You might notice that the Interface lift specific code is in its own file, because I had hopes I could have something generic for multiple sources (spoiler: that didn't happen).
So scraper.js
downloads the ~15 pages of themes, grabs the names, downloads the images, and compiles everything into data/interfacelift.json
The website (at least its archives on the Wayback Machine) changed a lot through the years, so almost every page had a different layout. I attempted to write some scraping code but was discouradged by the layout being so different every time. I ended up grabbing/listing the themes by hand.
I first downloaded the entierety of the archives with, and then proceeds to visit the pages I was interested in and list every themes with images in tools/
. I then used tools/parse-resexcellence.js
to create data/resexcellence.json
I then merged data/interfacelift.json
and data/resexcellence.json
into data/merged.json
, and this is the final JSON file used by server.js
Like the original template, the posting is done whenever /${process.env.BOT_ENDPOINT}
is called. From there the code uses twit and mastodon to post a status.