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Reference implementation of the TomTom OpenLR standard to map traffic information provided by the HERE Traffic API on an OSM road network. The implementation came about as part of my master’s thesis, involving the HTW Dresden faculty of Geoinformatics and the Fraunhofer IVI Dresden.

If you want to view the master's thesis, please contact the Fraunhofer IVI Dresden.

Table of Contents

  1. General Info
  2. Programms and accounts needed
  3. Database setup
  4. Build
  5. Database tables
  6. FAQs
  7. Technologies
  8. License

General Info

Reference implementation implemented in Java. Uses the TomTom OpenLR standard and the TPEG2-OLR ISO/TS 21219-22 standard to map traffic information on a road network based on OpenStreetMap data.

Project status: reference implementation

Incidents visualized in QGIS


Programms and accounts needed


If you'd like to visualize the affected lines:

  • QGIS to visualize the data, however, is not absolutely necessary

If you want to set up a PostgreSQL database with OSM data:

Database setup

Check out HOWTO for instructions on setting up a routable PostgreSQL database based on OSM data.


  1. Clone project from GitHub
  2. Change database informtion dbname, user and password in:
<!-- JDBC connection parameters -->
  1. Set your HERE Api key
private String hereApikey = "yourApiKey";
  1. To build the project
mvn clean install
  1. Run the program. The requested bounding must be specified as WGS84 coordinates.

Databse tables

The database should contain the following tables before running the programm:

  • form_of_way : physical characteristics of a street. For more informationn check TomTom OpenLR White Paper.
  • functional_road_class: indicates the importance of the road in the network. For more informationn check TomTom OpenLR White Paper.
    • kanten: lines in the road network.
    • knoten: nodes in the road network.
  • metadata: metainformation for the map, map owner, map name and bounding box information.

After running the programm the following tables should be added to the databse:

  • affected : contains all lines affected by a incident
  • incidents : Contains all incidents received from the Traffic API with their ID, type, status, start date, end date, criticaliy, OpenLR code, short description, detailed description, road closure, positive offset, negative offset and creation date. If a incident couldn't be mapped the offsets are set to -1, if the OpenLR code is not valid they are set to -100.
  • kanten_incidents: key table


  1. Is there a database example? Yes, check out the HOWTO file.
  2. Can you decode a TomTom OpenLR location? You can find the decoder to be used in the TomTomDecoder class.
  3. How do you visualize the data in QGIS? Check this video.
  4. Can I use a different spatial database? Yes, it is possible to use another spatial databse. But you need to implement your own map loader using the MapLoader Interface. In addition, changes in the pom.xml (database connection and Jooq dialect), the DatasourceConfig class and the ApiRequest class must be made.



Apache License, Version 2.0


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