This is an image processing demo project , which can do raw data interpolation and also scaling.
2018 Avisonic
- Hight quility bayer interpolation and scaler in raw domain
- Can be build in pure C++ project (No dependence library)
- Cmake build (support linux and windows platform)
Compare result (right bottom) with website
Original image (Top) and convert it to raw data (Bottom)
- OpenCV
> git clone
> cd $RawScaler_root/script
> build_win.cmd
> cd $RawScaler_root
> mkdir out
> Edit build_win.cmd
> Set DOpenCV_Enable ON/OFF
> git clone
> cd $RawScaler_root
> sh
> mkdir out
> Edit
> Set DOpenCV_Enable ON/OFF
- If opencv enable , the resullt image will show on GUI
- The input file muse be bitmap file (.bmp)
> cd $RawScaler_root
> script\build\Release\RawScaler.exe data\kodim19.bmp 300 300
RawScaler.exe file output-width output-height
- arg can be null , the output file are stored in $RawScaler_root\out
> cd $RawScaler_root
> ./RawScaler data/kodim19.bmp 300 300