Running Konga, Kong Community and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes
How to run:
kubectl apply -f pg_konga_pgadmin.yaml kubectl apply -f configmap_for_kong.yaml kubectl apply -f postgres_for_kong.yaml kubectl apply -f proxy.yaml kubectl apply -f admin.yaml
Add to hosts file (/etc/hosts):
On Mac run the commmand, after editing hosts file: killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Initially deploying: Konga:
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
PostgreSQL for Konga
- Service
- Deployment
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
PostgreSQL for Kong
- Service
- Deployment
Kong Proxy Only:
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
Kong Admin Only:
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
- Use KONGA_SEED_USER_DATA_SOURCE_FILE variable to create initial Konga user
Kong Credentials for PostgreSQL:
- User: kong
- Password: kong
Konga Credentials for PostgreSQL:
- User: konga
- Password: konga
For Grafana and Prometheus:
How to run: kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml kubectl apply -f grafana.yaml
Add to hosts file (/etc/hosts):
Open Grafana`s page and use the following user/password: admin/admin
In grafana -> Configuration -> DataSources click on Add data source button and then Prometheus On URL, add Prometheus service name: http://prometheus:8080 and click on the button "Save & Test"
For Kong`s Postgres, do the following: CREATE USER grafanareader WITH PASSWORD 'password'; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO grafanareader; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO grafanareader;
In grafana -> Configuration -> DataSources click on Add data source button and then Postgres On Host add Postgres service name: postgres.kong.svc.cluster.local On Database, add: kong On User and Password, add the credentials created above. On SSL Mode, set disable. On Version, set 9.6.
On Dashboards, import the following: 7424 and select Prometheus data source.
Import the following dashboard on grafana for cluster`s view: 315