Tutorial to contribute to the CPython project.
The final goal is to train contributors to promote them to CPython core developers. That's the long term goal.
The short term goal is to fill the gap in the current devguide between "compile/install python" and "congrats! you are now a CPython core developer!". Document all the things expected to be known to become a core developer.
Give badges once a quest is complete
Use existing https://openbadges.org/ infra?
Different levels of badges?
- Big serious badges, maybe even publics, for major contributions. For example, an accepted PEP. -- use openbadges for this?
- Minor badges, maybe kept private, not validated by third party like a mentor. The student validates its own progress on clicking "I completed the exercice". It's just a tool to make the tutorial more fun.
Personal but private statistics, account the number of:
- PR: proposed, rejected, accepted (merged)
- Emails sent
- Bugs: open, fixed, rejected
- Comments on bugs
- Reviews on PR
- XXX it may be difficult to account contributions on old CPython tools like Rietveld (old reviewing system), Mercurial where the contributor was not always mentionned, Subversion/CVS, etc.
You need to use a installed version of Sphinx.
For that, you have two options. Firstly, use the sphinx package from your favorite distribution
dnf install python-sphinx
apt-get install python3-sphinx
Once you have an installed version of Sphinx, you can build the documentation.
make html
The result will be in build/html/index.html
You can check it via http://localhost:8000 if you run the following commands
cd build/html/
python3 -m http.server