Loops a directory with github projects, scans for documentation and readme's. And builds a html-version compatible with Calibre
##Convert .md files to an ebook ####Prerequisites
- ebook converter
- Calibre: http://calibre-ebook.com/download
# install ebook converter
$ npm install -g ebook
####Step 1 Put md5, rst, txt and code files in folders inside of the bookcvwait directory ./book1/ ./book2/
####Step 2 Run the md2html python script, this will convert all .md files to .html, and generates a table of content
$ python md2html.py
convert: bookcv/GithubReadmeDocs/coffee-script/test/importing 2 items
After conversion an ebook is created with the .mobi extension in the books folde ./books/book1.mobi ./books/book2.mobi
#####Optional The source code can also be converted with the -c flag, it's using the Github syntax coloring for
- shell
- c
- cpp
- python
- go
- javascript
- coffeescript
$ python md2html.py -c
Kindle on Mac
##make an ebook of all your cloned github projects
Run one of the collection scripts, and put the results in the bookcv folder, continue at step 1
Checkout [github-star-syncer](https://github.com/erikdejonge/github-stars-syncer)
# run the syncer
cd ~/workspace/github-stars-syncer
rm -f starlist.pickle
python update_stars_github.py
# collects all the readme's and doc directories from ~/workspace/github
$ python docs_github_get.py