An application implemented as two versions (in C++ and Python), which takes a semantic segmantion and its corresponding image as inputs, extracts each image segment from the segmentation and visualizes them in a GUI. Each pixel in the GUI is clickable, and that triggers a popup with metadata (seen in the image above) pertaining to that pixel.
To convert annotated Kitti segmentation data to the expected shape, run:
$ python3 --segmentation_path data/kitti/segmentation/000010_10.png
This will create a file data/000010_10.npy
with the shape H x W x NumClasses
, which can be used
as input to the application, along with the corresponding image data/kitti/image_2/000010_10.png
+ Left mouse click : Triggers popup with metadata
+ 'r' : Resets the frame
+ 'c' / 'q' : Closes the application
The application uses cnpy to read .npy files containing the semantic segmentation. When installing this package I got the same error as here, but solved it using the steps in this answer.
+ gui.{hpp/cpp} : Methods pertaining to GUI operations
+ main.cpp : Main file
+ pixel.{hpp/cpp} : Contains Pixel class. Keeps track of score and label at each coordinate
+ processor.{hpp/cpp} : Extracts segments from the semantic segmentation
+ segment.{hpp/cpp} : Contains class representing an image segment. Keeps list of pixels and
contour pixels belonging to segment
+ semseg.{hpp/cpp} : Class representing semantic segmentation
+ utils.{hpp/cpp} : Helper methods for reading input data
$ cd c++/
$ ./app ../data/kitti/image_2/000010_10.png ../data/000010_10.npy ../data/kitti/labels.txt
+ : Methods pertaining to GUI operations
+ : Main file
+ : Contains Pixel class. Keeps track of score and label at each coordinate
+ : Methods to extract segments from semantic segmentation
+ : Contains class representing an image segment. Keeps list of pixels and
contour pixels belonging to segment
+ : Helper methods for reading input data
$ cd python/
$ python3 --image_path ../data/kitti/image_2/000010_10.png \
--segmentation_path ../data/000010_10.npy \
--label_path ../data/kitti/labels.txt