Flixter is a Ruby on Rails Udemy clone web application. Users can sign up, enroll in a free or paid course, and create their own course and lessons in the role of an instructor.
Visit the deployed application: https://flowerschool.herokuapp.com/
- Built on Ruby on Rails framework
- PostgreSQL database
- Twitter Bootstrap 3 for CSS and UI components
- Simple Form gem for form implementation
- Modal form course/lesson submission
- Validation of form inputs
- Devise gem for user authentication
- CarrierWave gem for image and video uploading & Amazon Web Services (S3) for photo/video storage
- MiniMagick for image resizing on upload
- VideoJS for video embedding
- Stripe for payment processing
- jQuery for drag and drop reordering of courses and lessons
- User dashboard to list courses enrolled in and managing as an instructor
- Responsive design
- Unsplash for images