This is the RSA project of 2020: MyTFTP
To make it you can simply type: make
It will make both tftp client and server you can then execute both with those arguments:
tftp_client <address> <port>
(address can be IPV4 or IPV6 and port between 1500 and 65000)
tftp_server <port>
(address will be the passive one and port between 1500 and 65000)
The command to pass to tftp_client are GET/PUT (GET and PUT commands are not case sensitive)
To enable random dropping of ack you can simply turn on the RANDOM macro in the Makefile (line 25) Example of test:
cp mytftp_client test/client
cp mytftp_server test/server
# Open a new terminal and type
cd test/server
./mytftp_server 1500
# Go back to the first terminal and type
cd test/client
./mytftp_client 1500
# enter
get test_server
# you will get test_server from the test/server/ folder
# restart the client (it closes by default after one operation but the server stay alive)
./mytftp_client 1500
put test_client
# in test/server/ you will have the test_client file