Releases: erwinc1/streetmerchant
Releases · erwinc1/streetmerchant
streetmerchant v3.6.0
- add INCOGNITO to dotenv-example and volta support (#2484) (b579052)
- add interactive captcha handler with Slack and Discord (#2385) (409769e)
- add waitUntil and waitForSelctor to linksBuilder (#2437) (cac7c20)
- captcha: add support for configurable capture type (#2468) (6e614a2)
- change max price behavior (9b02c36)
- color empty stores (#2312) (bbfa808)
- gotify: add priority option (#2546) (32fe440)
- notification: add gotify (8f2de5d), closes #2541 #2536
- notification: add support for Free mobile (#2285) (6be2e0d)
- notifications: add apple push notifications (#2077) (6b78b2e)
- pushover: ability to specify device (#2101) (d03aea0)
- pushover: add support for sound (#2203) (83ce922)
- series: support for rx6700xt (#2290) (113c9ce)
- store: add amd-at (#2462) (441617f)
- store: add amd-be store (#2338) (6e9b1a9)
- store: add amd-nl store (#2072) (49c9e8c)
- store: Add AO and BT (UK) (#2089) (1714e89)
- store: add cyberport-at (#2463) (5a744b1)
- store: add (french), 35 3060ti references (#2287) (0ebe745)
- store: add mediamarkt austria (#1836) (ae8e72a)
- store: add MightyApe, NoelLeeming and TheWarehouse (NZ) (#2133) (e2d8040)
- store: add and more products to NO stores (#2483) (41305f1)
Bug Fixes
- add missing tests in Dockerfile (#2323) (cd6e1f6)
- alternate: use button selector instead of text (#2419) (35f9eb4)
- amazon-es: use euroFormat (#2371) (4eb702b)
- amazon: false positives for xbox (#2497) (790fe9b)
- apns: use when specified (99a274d)
- captcha: use Slack captcha handler token when provided (#2460) (164902a), closes #2428
- clear cookies when rotating proxies (#2575) (8854ce9)
- discord: properly wait for webhooks (#2352) (bc59da1)
- docker: disable opening browser (d13f7f1)
- lookup: prevent terminal from being hidden (#2461) (39fac90)
- microcenter: add outOfStock label (#2432) (092919a), closes #2407
- nodemon: use npx with ts-node (#2423) (b6ac6c5)
- parsing prices with thousands separator and European format (#2153) (61f8e3a)
- playstation: fix inStock selector (#2187) (b0efc83)
- remove spaces from price (#2482) (eb76f0d)
- web: add favicon to prevent missing icon console error (#2375) (2be33ac)
streetmerchant v3.4.0
- add browser opening to test:notification (4076c25)
- add c8 and mocha for testing (4076c25)
- add command parameter to set custom dotenv conf (#1590) (e31af79)
- add redis (#1390) (fb82526)
- add restart time for leaking Chromium in Ubuntu (#1880) (b19e082)
- add terraform infra as code for AWS fargate (#1987) (8644fc6)
- asus: add outOfStock label (#1653) (fe9b37b), closes #368
- azerty: add ryzen 5000 series (#878) (ca59777)
- caseking: add 3060ti/3070 cards / add missing 3080/3090 cards (#1715) (c98b9f7)
- clean up proxy logging with n/N in each lookup (#1839) (279e5f1)
- galaxus: update selector, add out of stock check (#1607) (4981fae)
- lookup: add max price for xbox (f34a808), closes #1436
- lookup: add protection against infinite recursion for Cloudflare (#1505) (1cf618c), closes #1459 #1490
- lookup: handle Cloudflare DDoS protection (#1434) (f86a825), closes #1297
- notification: add simple SmartThings switch activation (#1902) (58d0601)
- notification: add Streamlabs support (#1872) (1b5f7ad)
- notifications: add apple push notifications (#2077) (df96585)
- nvidia: updated store for europe (#1732) (ddc3f8a)
- proshop-de: add proshop-de inStock selector (#1633) (0f160bf)
- proxy: fallback to a global proxy list (#1388) (be1953b)
- pushover: add screenshot to push notification if available (#1552) (c79dfdd)
- pushover: add support for sound (#2203) (5f7ca39)
- remove stale user agents, use top 50 (6e2a162)
- sms: add US Cellular (#1874) (a00ac51)
- store: add
store, addshopto
store (#1481) (ec8d357) - store: Add AO and BT (UK) (#2089) (d5656d6)
- store: add equippr & futurex for DE region (#1501) (5b70ff1)
- store: add globaldata (#2004) (a948735)
- store: add GPU and CPU support for Vuugo (#1555) (7069db8)
- store: add ldlc (FR) (#2037) (10f4a98)
- store: add more italian sites (#1701) (7681e9a)
- store: add netonnet-no (#1989) (4ef1215)
- store: add Norwegian stores (#1985) (74e1ec3)
- store: add novoatalho (PT) (#2043) (8fb3f61)
- store: add (#1990) (35cc053)
- store: add pcking and acompc (#1470) (beee355)
- store: add SG Location for Amazon and Newegg (#1600) (20be754)
- store: addition of several australian sites (#1651) (0490ff4)
- store: corsair-uk (#1733) (66a00f5)
- store: specify links to navigate to between product searches (#1542) (f7f3f2e)
- twilio: add support to have multiple numbers (#1450) (641155c)
- update Docker and ci (4076c25)
- use node 15, use package version (#2066) (daf9fb5)
- vsgamers: add maxPrice selector(#1682) (11cebf3)
- web: properly set
attribute for labels (#1626) (b93175e)