- Lazy loaded via lazy.nvim
- Highly performant (90ms load time)
- Extendable LSP configuration via mason.nvim
- Support for 🤖 AI: ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Codeium and Tabnine
- Support for TailwindCSS with highlighted colors
- JSON autocompletion for most popular Frontend configs
- NPM packages autocompletion in package.json
- Internal Jest testing and Coverage support
- Debugging with nvim-dap (works with React.js & React Native)
- Automatic Treesitter-based folding with imports folded by default
- Current code context via nvim-navic
- Beautiful and functional custom statusline built with galaxyline.nvim
And of course usage of telescope, nvim-tree, barbar, cmp, treesitter, blankline & more!