An easy-to-use command line Minecraft launcher in only one Python script! This launcher is compatible with the directory structure of the official Minecraft Launcher. It aims to be fast and reliable for all Minecraft versions in a stateless manner, it also supports addons, official ones can be found below.
This launcher is tested for Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
- Installation
- Sub-commands
- Addons
- Log4J exploit
- Certifi support
- Contribute
- API Documentation ⇗
- Addon API Documentation ⇗
Before starting, please check if your Python version is valid for the launcher by doing
python -V
, the version must be greater or equal to 3.6 according to semver specification,
this launcher's version is also following the semver specification.
The easiest way to install the launcher is to use the pip
tool of your Python installation. On some linux distribution
you might have to use pip3
instead of pip
in order to run it on Python 3. You can also use python -m pip
if the
command is not in the path and the python executable is.
pip install --user portablemc
We advise you to keep --user
because this allows to install the launcher for your current user only, it is implicit
if you are not an administrator and if you are, it allows not to modify other users' installations.
After that, you can try to show the launcher help message using portablemc
in your terminal. If it fails, you must
ensure that the scripts directory is in your user path environment variable. On Windows you have to search for a
directory at %appdata%/Python/Python3X/Scripts
and add it to the user's environment variable Path
systems this should work properly because the script is put in ~/.local/bin
Arguments are split between multiple sub-commands. For example portablemc <sub-command>
. You can use -h
argument to display help (also works for every sub-commands).
You may need to use --main-dir <path>
if you want to change the main directory of the game. The main
directory stores libraries, assets, versions. By default the location
of this directory is OS-dependent, but always in your user's home directory,
check wiki for more information.
You may also need --work-dir <path>
to change the directory where your saves, resource packs and
all "user-specific" content is stored. This can be useful if you have a shared read-only main directory
) and user-specific working directory (for example in ~/.minecraft
, by default it's the
location of your main directory). This launcher also stores the authentication credentials in this directory
(since launcher version 1.1.4).
The two arguments --main-dir
and --work-dir
may or may not be used by sub commands, then you can alias
the command and always set the main and work directory like you want.
An advanced argument --timeout <seconds>
can be used to set a global timeout value that can be freely used
by the launcher or addons. You can use the special value 0 to force using local caches, if supported. For
now, it's used by the launcher only for the version manifest fetching as it is now locally cached.
The portablemc start [arguments...] [version]
sub-command is used to prepare and launch the game. A lot
of arguments allow you to control how to game will behave. The only positional argument is the version,
which can be either a full version id (which you can get from the search
sub-command), or a type of version to select the latest of this type (release
(default) or snapshot
if you omit the version argument, it's equivalent to release
Online mode is supported by this launcher, use the -l <email_or_username>
) argument to
log into your account (login with a username is deprecated by Mojang). If your session is not
cached nor valid, the launcher will ask for the password.
You can use the the -m
) to authenticate a Microsoft account if you already had
migrated your account. In this case the launcher will open a page in your web browser with the
Microsoft login page.
You can disable session caching using the argument -t
). If your session is
not cached nor valid, you will be asked for the password on every launch.
You can also use --anonymise
in order to hide most of your email when printing it to the terminal. For example,
[email protected]
will become f*****r@g***
, this is useful to avoid leaking it when recording or streaming.
However, if you use this, make sure that you either use an alias or a variable with the -l
argument, for exemple
Check below for more information about authentication sessions.
If you need fake offline accounts you can use -u <username>
) to define the username and/or
-i <uuid>
) to define your player's UUID.
If you omit the UUID, a random one is chosen. If you omit the username, the first 8 characters of the UUID
are used for it. These two arguments are overwritten by the -l
) argument.
The launcher uses Java Virtual Machine to run the game, by default the launcher downloads and uses the official JVM
distributed by Mojang
which is adapted to the running version. The JVM is installed in a sub-directory called jvm
inside the main directory.
You can change it by providing a path to the java
binary with the --jvm <path_to/bin/java>
argument. By default, the
launcher starts the JVM with default arguments, these are the following and are the same as the Mojang launcher:
-Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
You can change these arguments using the --jvm-args=<args>
, please always quote your set of arguments, this set must
be one argument for PMC. For example portablemc start "--jvm-args=-Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions"
Since Minecraft 1.6 we can start the game and automatically connect to a server. To do that you can use
-s <addr>
) for the server address (e.g.
) and the -p
to specify its port, by default to 25565.
With --lwjgl {3.2.3,3.3.0,3.3.1}
you can update the LWJGL version used when starting the game. This can be used to support
ARM architectures, but this may only work with modern versions which are already using LWJGL 3. This argument works by
dynamically rewriting the version's metadata, the new metadata is dumped in the version directory.
Using these versions on ARM is unstable and can show you an error with GLXBadFBConfig
, in such cases you should export the following
environment variable export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.5
(more info here).
In case with the above you still get an error: GLSL 1.50 is not supported
you may also try export MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=150
Some Mojang provided natives (.so, .dll, .dylib) might not be compatible with your system.
To mitigate that, the launcher provides two arguments, --exclude-lib
and --include-bin
that can be provided multiples times each.
With --exclude-lib <artifact>[:[<version>][:<classifier>]]
you can exclude libraries (.jar) from the game's classpath (and so of the downloads). If a classifier is given, it will match
libs' classifiers that starts with itself, for example lwjgl-glfw::natives
will match the
library lwjgl-glfw:3.3.1:natives-windows-x86
With --include-bin <bin-file>
you can dynamically include binary natives (.so, .dll, .dylib)
to the runtime's bin directory (usually under .minecraft/bin/<uuid>
). The binary will be symlinked into the directory, or copied if not possible (mostly on Windows). For shared objects
files (.so) that contains version numbers in the filename, these are discarded in the bin directory, for example /lib/ -> .minecraft/bin/<uuid>/
These arguments can be used together to fix various issues (e.g. wrong libc being linked by the LWJGL-provided natives).
Note that these arguments are compatible, and executed after the --lwjgl
argument. You must however ensure that excluded lib and included binaries are compatible.
With --dry
, the game is prepared but not started.
With --demo
you can enable the demo mode of the game.
With --resol <width>x<height>
you can change the resolution of the game window.
With --no-better-logging
flag you can disable the better logging configuration used by the launcher
to avoid raw XML logging in the terminal.
The two arguments --disable-mp
(mp: multiplayer), --disable-chat
respectively to disable multiplayer button and
disable in-game chat (since 1.16).
The portablemc search [-l] [version]
sub-command is used to search for versions. By default, this command
will search for official versions available to download, you can instead search for local versions
using the -l
) flag. The search string is optional, if not given all official or local
versions are displayed.
Two subcommands allow you to store or logout of sessions: portablemc login|logout <email_or_username>
These subcommands don't prevent you from using the -l
) argument when starting the game,
these are just here to manage the session storage.
A new argument -m
) is available for both subcommands since 1.1.4
for migrated
Microsoft accounts.
The launcher will open the Microsoft login page (with your email pre-typed in) in your web browser
and wait until validated.
Your password is not saved! Only a token is saved (the official launcher also does that)
in the file portablemc_auth.json
in the working directory. In older version of the launcher
(< 1.1.4
), this file was portablemc_tokens
in the main directory, the migration from the old
file is automatic and irreversible (the old file is deleted).
The portablemc addon list|show
sub-commands are used to list and show addons.
The following official add-ons are supported and maintained, since version 3.0.0 you can install them from from PyPI as shown in the following pages:
See the Addon Sub-command for more information on how to list and show which add-ons are installed.
The launcher is safe to Log4j exploit since v2.2.0, if you are running an older version, please update or read the following issue for a temporary fix: #52.
The launcher supports certifi when installed. This package provides Mozilla’s carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts.
This can be useful if you encounter certificates errors while logging into your account or downloading other things. Problems can arise because Python depends by default on your system to provide these root certificates, so if your system is not up to date, it may be necessary to install certifi
This project is currently a monorepo based on Poetry, each official module is stored in the src directory, the main and mandatory module is core. The other modules are official add-ons.
We also suggest Conda (or Miniconda) for easy development together with Poetry. If you want to try you can use the following commands:
# You can use any version of Python here from 3.6 to test compatibility of the launcher.
conda create -n pmc python=3.10 pip
# This line is optional if you don't have any user site-packages in your host installation, if not it allows to isolate pip. This is useful to avoid conflicts with packages installed outside of the environment.
conda env config vars set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 -n pmc
On you have a conda environment setup, you can use on each module you want to test.
# Assume we are in the project's directory.
# First, we need to activate the environment.
conda activate pmc
# If poetry isn't installed, or outdated.
# Note that this project requires poetry 1.2.0 or greater to allow dependency groups.
# If this doesn't work, try to roll back to Poetry 1.2.0b1 which is the currently tested version.
pip install poetry --upgrade
# Then, go to the module you want to install in development mode, and then install it.
cd src
# Here we use the workspace script that is just a wrapper that launch a poetry command on all modules.
python install
# Now, you can test the development version of the launcher.
portablemc --help
You can call this development version from everywhere using:
conda run -n pmc portablemc
This launcher would not be as functional without the contributors, and in particular the following for their bug reports, suggestions and pull requests to make the launcher better: GoodDay360, Ristovski, JamiKettunen MisileLaboratory and GooseDeveloper.
There must be a lot of hidden issues, if you want to contribute you just have to install and test the launcher, and report every issue you encounter, do not hesitate!