See our wiki for more information.
To run:
Simply run
ruby app/app.rb
(current directory doesn't matter). -
Then access under http://localhost:4567 (you can specify another port via the Sinatra commandline options)
There are usernames "ese" (member of "The ESE Org", password "ese"), "John" (member of "UNO") and "Jack" with password "Ax1301!3" set up for testing.
Access the admin panel under http://localhost:4567/admin The credentials are "admin", "password"
View the code documentation:
gem install yard
,yard server --reload
(from within this folder), http://localhost:8808
To test:
- Simply run
ruby test/tests.rb
(current directory doesn't matter). - Run the UI tests with
ruby test/selenium.rb
- Ruby (Version 1.8.7 or later, but some gems might not be available for versions > 1.8.7)
- Devkit (only when developing using this source code, not for production)
gem install bundler
bundle install