A powerful platform for image processing & recognition.
- Python 3.13
- Streamlit
- OpenCV2
- User Interface
- Basic UI
- Upload the image (JPG, PNG, SVG, WEBp)
- Rename image file
- Save image file
- [] Add undo, redo options
- [] Add the ability to share the image to other mediums
- Image Preprocessing
- Display the uploaded image
- [] Convert to grayscale & histogram equalization
- [] Image resize, crop, rotate, compression, contrast streching, colour processing, inpainting, fusion - Stable Diffusion
- [] Apply smoothing & sharpening filters (Gaussian, Median, Bilateral)
- [] Deblurring & Denoising
- Edge Detection & Segmentation
- [] Edge detection using Sobel, Prewitt, Laplacian, Canny
- [] Image thresholding (Global, Adaptive, Otsu's method)
- [] Segmentation using K-Means, Watershed, GrabCut
- [] Morphological operations (Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing)
- Feature Extraction
- [] Extract & visualize key features using SIFT, SURF, ORB, HOG
- [] PCA-based dimensionality reduction visualization
- [] Compute texture features (GLCM, LBP)
- [] Histogram-based feature analysis
- Pattern Recognition & Classification
- [] Train & test classifiers on extracted features
- [] Support for KNN, SVM, Decision Trees, CNN (Pretrained Models)
- [] Upload custom datasets for classification
- [] Evaluate models with accuracy, precision, recall
- Face Detection & Recognition
- [] Detect faces using Haar Cascades, DNN (ResNet, MobileNet)
- [] Recognize faces using LBPH, Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces
- [] Live face recognition via webcam feed
- Interactive Visualizations
- [] Show histograms, feature maps, contour plots
- [] Compare different image processing techniques side-by-side
- [] Display real-time classifier performance
- API Integration & Deployment
- [] Allow image uploads via API for batch processing
- [] Deploy seamlessly on Streamlit Cloud
- [] Share app via public URL
python setup.py