每天一条有用的 Python 小提示
主要基于 Python 3.5 并尽量做到向后兼容(至Python 2.7)。
- 0x0c - Shallow and Deep Copy [markdown]
- 0x0b - Try else [markdown]
- 0x0a - String Format [markdown]
- 0x09 - Bytes decode Unicode encode Bytes [markdown]
- 0x08 - Bytes and Bytearray [markdown]
- 0x07 - Unicode String [markdown]
- 0x06 - Command Line tools in Python [markdown]
- 0x05 - Arguments and Unpacking [markdown]
- 0x04 - Scope and Closure [markdown]
- 0x03 - List Comprehension [markdown]
- 0x02 - Functional Programming in Python [markdown]
- 0x01 - Iterator and Generator [markdown]
- 0x00 - The Zen of Python [markdown]
- 提供问题、话题或应用场景:Issue
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