eSign is a powerful library with fluent human readable syntax for the verification of files according to the SHA3-256 Bit checksum and the digital signature ed25519 written in GO.
🔑 Create / Load Ed25519 key pairs as a raw byte sequence, base64 string or save / load them directly as a binary file in / from your filesystem
✔️ Verify file against SHA3-256 Bit checksum with digital signature ed25519
First of all, download and install at least Go. 1.11
(with enabled Go Modules) or higher is required.
Installation is done using the go get
go get
package main
import (
const DemoPath = "/Users/fabian/Desktop/test"
func main() {
func createKeyPairAndSaveThem() {
// Generate key pair
esign.CreateKeyPair().Save(DEMO_PATH + "/keystore/key")
func loadKeysAndSign() {
// Load key from filesystem and use it to sign any file
privateKey, _ := esign.LoadPrivateKey(DEMO_PATH + "/keystore/key.prv")
esign.Sign(DEMO_PATH + "/file.txt", privateKey).Save(DEMO_PATH + "/file.sig")
func verifyFile() {
publicKey, _ := esign.LoadPublicKey(DEMO_PATH + "/keystore/")
verifiedCase1 := esign.Verify(DEMO_PATH + "/file.txt").
BySavedSignature(DEMO_PATH + "/file.sig")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", verifiedCase1)
rawSignature, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(DEMO_PATH + "/file.sig")
verifiedCase2 := esign.Verify(DEMO_PATH + "/file.txt").
fmt.Printf("%v\n", verifiedCase2)
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Fabian Sander
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details