SourceAFIS is a fingerprint recognition engine that takes a pair of human fingerprint images and returns their similarity score. It can do 1:1 comparisons as well as efficient 1:N search. This is the Java implementation of the SourceAFIS algorithm.
- Documentation: Home, Tutorial, Javadoc
- Download: see Tutorial
- Sources: GitHub, Bitbucket
- Issues: GitHub, Bitbucket
- License: Apache License 2.0
byte[] probeImage = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("probe.jpeg"));
byte[] candidateImage = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("candidate.jpeg"));
FingerprintTemplate probe = new FingerprintTemplate()
FingerprintTemplate candidate = new FingerprintTemplate()
double score = new FingerprintMatcher()
boolean matches = score >= 40;