The Junit XML Listener is a simple sbt test listener plugin that collects the results of test runs and writes them to an xml file formatted like the output of a JUnit run. This allows the test results to be displayed in any tool that can display JUnit results (e.g. Jenkins)
- sbt 1.0.4
sbt compile publish
aws s3 sync ~/.m2/repository/repackaged/com/alpinenow/junit_xml_listener_2.12_1.0/1.0.0-etleap/ s3://etleap-repository/repackaged/com/alpinenow/junit_xml_listener_2.12_1.0/1.0.0-etleap/
Add the following lines to either ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt (user-specific) or project/plugins/build.sbt (project-specific):
// The Etleap repository
resolvers += "AWS Etleap Repository" at ""
resolvers += Resolver.url("AWS Etleap Repository (Ivy)", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
// Unit tests with timing per testcase
addSbtPlugin("" % "junit_xml_listener" % "1.0.0-etleap")
This will add the dependency to the plugin. The next step is to configure your build to output the XML. The following will output the XML in target/test-reports:
testListeners <<= => Seq(new eu.henkelmann.sbt.JUnitXmlTestsListener(t.getAbsolutePath)))
Note that the line as shown is enough in a *.sbt file. In *.scala files (full configuration), you must collect the result of the expression into the settings of all projects that should produce the XML output.
For a basic project template using sbt, see the simple-example project.
For using full configuration example with Build.scala
, see the full-example project.
- 0.6.0 sbt 1.x ** compile with sbt 1.0.4
- 0.5.1 bug fix ** fix the class name to be fully qualified classpath ** make sure the the reporting time is in second not in miliseond, which causing JUnit HTML to report incorrect number ** make sure the duration of the tests are accumulative.
- 0.5 Supported sbt 0.13.1, and fixed the issue of that the time duration is always set to 0s.
- 0.4 First version published to maven central (snapshots)
- 0.3 Merge of Ismael Juma's adjustments for sbt 0.10+
- 0.2 Added handling of skipped tests (thanks to Johannes Rudolph)
- 0.1 Initial release