The patching of Android kernel and Android system
PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker/Zotero
Stop uploading my installed app list! Miui!
A user-friendly Fastboot ToolBox & Payload Dumper for Windows
A ready-to-go translation ocr tool developed with WPF/WPF 开发的一款即用即走的翻译、OCR工具
(GUI-多平台支持) B站 哔哩哔哩 视频下载器。支持稍后再看、收藏夹、UP主视频批量下载|Bilibili Video Downloader 😳
Maintained continuation of Stefan Sundin's AltDrag
Lightweight Lenovo Vantage and Hotkeys replacement for Lenovo Legion laptops.
LAV Filters - Open-Source DirectShow Media Splitter and Decoders
Salt Player (A local music player trusted and chosen by hundreds of thousands of users) for Android Release, Feedback.
HyperOS enhancement module - Make HyperOS Great Again!
[Xposed] Status Bar Lyric / 状态栏歌词
ReVanced eXtended YT and YT-M for both root and non-root users.
An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
哔哩漫游,解除B站客户端番剧区域限制的Xposed模块,并且提供其他小功能。An Xposed module that unblocks bangumi area limit of BILIBILI with miscellaneous features.
Just make a few small changes to your Bilibili homepage. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free.