Easily deployable 🚀 API to convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy.
Server Monitor platform built with Laravel 11 + PHP 8.2 and SQLite. Plataforma de Monitorización de Servidores creada con Laravel 11 + PHP 8.2 y SQLite.
Self-hosted Password Manager based on Laravel 10 + PHP 8 + MySQL 8. Gestor de Contraseñas basado en Laravel 10 + PHP 8 + MySQL 8.
A curated list of awesome packages, cards, tutorials, videos and other cool resources for Laravel Pulse.
💥 React Native UI Library based on Eva Design System 🌚✨Dark Mode
Cache Database Query results on Laravel
HTML Meta Tags management package available for for Laravel >= 5 (Including 10)
A Sublime Text Plugin/Package to connect with OpenAI ChatGPT
The most complete Chat UI for flutter. Easy to use, highly customizable and fully featured
GPS Tracker platform for Sinotrack, Coban, Teltonika, Concox, Jimilab, OsmAnd and Queclink devices built with Laravel 11 + PHP 8.2 and MySQL 8. Plataforma GPS Tracker para dispositivos Sinotrack Si…
PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
(deprecated) Check out the new date picker easepick
Extract, Transform, Load: Any SQL Database in 4 lines of Code.
Angular UI components kit of Unicorn Platform.
Apuntes de PHP en español agrupados según la temática exigida para obtener la certificación Zend PHP 5.5
ionic-push-php is a library that allows you to consume the Ionic Cloud API for sending push notifications (normal and scheduled), get a paginated list of sending push notifications, get information…
🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
The modular open source laravel administration panel
⚙️ The static code analysis tool you need for your HTML
Source code for the social aggregator Menéame (this is now the central repository)
Step-by-step instructions to install and configure a web server
Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
Restore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices