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container2wasm: Container to WASM converter

container2wasm is a container-to-wasm image converter that enables to run the container on WASM.

  • Converts a container to WASM with TinyEMU-based emulation
  • Runs on WASI runtimes (e.g. wasmtime, wamr, wasmer, wasmedge, wazero)
  • Runs on browser
  • riscv64 containers are recommended. Other platforms (e.g. amd64 and arm64) also work (but slow).

This is an experimental software.

Demo page of containers on browser (debian,python,node,vim):


Container Image to WASM (WASI)

$ c2w riscv64/ubuntu:22.04 out.wasm

The above command converts riscv64/ubuntu:22.04 container image to WASI image (out.wasm).

NOTE: riscv64 container is recommended. Other platform's containers should work but slow because of additional emulation.

The generated image runs on WASI runtimes:

$ wasmtime out.wasm uname -a
Linux localhost 6.1.0 #1 Wed Feb 15 04:09:09 UTC 2023 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
$ wasmtime out.wasm ls /
bin   dev  home  media	opt   root  sbin  sys  usr
boot  etc  lib	 mnt	proc  run   srv   tmp  var

Directories on the host can be available on the container using --mapdir:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/share/ && echo hi > /tmp/share/hi
$ wasmtime --mapdir /test/dir/share::/tmp/share -- out.wasm --entrypoint=cat -- /test/dir/share/hi

NOTE: Other WASI features untested. Future version will support more WASI features.

Container on Browser

The following command generates a WASM image and a JS file runnable on browser.

$ c2w --to-js riscv64/ubuntu:22.04 /tmp/out-js/htdocs/

The following is an example of running the image on browser relying on xterm-pty. This example serves the image on localhost:8080 using apache http server.

$ cp -R ./examples/emscripten/* /tmp/out-js/ && chmod 755 /tmp/out-js/htdocs
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:80 \
         -v "/tmp/out-js/htdocs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/:ro" \
         -v "/tmp/out-js/xterm-pty.conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/xterm-pty.conf:ro" \
         --entrypoint=/bin/sh httpd -c 'echo "Include conf/extra/xterm-pty.conf" >> /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf && httpd-foreground'

You can run the container on browser via localhost:8080.

Cotainer with emscripten

This feature is currently for demo only.

Getting Started

  • requirements
    • Docker 18.09+ (w/ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1)
    • Docker Buildx v0.8+ (recommended) or docker build (w/ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1)

You can install the converter command c2w using one of the following methods:

Release binary

Binaries are available from Extract the tarball and put the binary somewhere under $PATH.

Building binary using make

Go 1.19+ is needed.

sudo make install

Command reference


Converts a container image into a WASM image and writes it to the specified path (default: out.wasm at the current directory).

Usage: c2w [options] image-name [output file]

  • image-name: container image name (will be pulled from the registry if it doesn't exist in Docker)
  • [output file]: path to the result WASM file.

Sub commands

  • help, h: Shows a list of commands or help for one command


  • --assets value: Custom location of build assets.
  • --dockerfile value: Custom location of Dockerfile (default: embedded to this command)
  • --builder value: Bulider command to use (default: "docker")
  • --target-arch value: target architecture of the source image to use (default: "riscv64")
  • --build-arg value: Additional build arguments (please see Dockerfile for available build args)
  • --to-js: output JS files runnable on the browsers using emscripten
  • --debug-image: Enable debug print in the output image
  • --show-dockerfile: Show default Dockerfile
  • --legacy: Use "docker build" instead of buildx (no support for assets flag) (default:false)
  • --help, -h: show help
  • --version, -v: print the version

Run-time flags for WASM image

You can specify run-time flags to the generated wasm image for configuring the execution (e.g. for changing command to run in the container).

Usage: out.wasm [options] [COMMAND] [ARG...]

  • [COMMAND] [ARG...]: command to run in the container. (default: commands specified in the image config)


  • -entrypoint <command> : entrypoint command. (default: entrypoint specified in the image config)
  • -no-stdin : disable stdin. (default: false)


The following changes the container's entrypoint to echo and pass hello to the arguments.

wasmtime -- /app/out.wasm --entrypoint=echo hello

Directory mapping

Directories mapped to the WASM program is accessible on the container as well.

$ mkdir -p /tmp/share/ && echo hi > /tmp/share/hi
$ wasmtime --mapdir /test/dir/share::/tmp/share /app/out.wasm ls /test/dir/share/


Though more and more programming languages start to support WASM, it's not easy to run the existing programs on WASM. This sometimes requires re-implementing and re-compiling them and costs extra time for development. This is a PoC converter tries to solve it by enabling running unmodified containers on WASM.

How does it work

contaienr2wasm creates a WASM image that runs the container and the Linux kernel on the emulated CPU.

The following shows the techniqual details:

  • Builder: BuildKit runs the conversion steps written in Dockerfile.
  • Emulator: TinyEMU emulates RISC-V CPU on WASM. It's compiled to WASM using wasi-sdk (for WASI) and emscripten (for on-browser).
  • Guest OS: Linux runs on the emulated RISC-V CPU. runc starts the container. Non-RISC-V containers runs with additional emulation by QEMU installed via tonistiigi/binfmt.
  • Directory Mapping: WASI filesystem API makes host directories visible to TinyEMU. TinyEMU mounts them to the guest linux via virtio-9p.
  • Packaging: wasi-vfs (for WASI) and emscripten (for on-browser) are used for packaging the dependencies. The kernel is pre-booted during the build using wizer to minimize the startup latency (for WASI only as of now).
  • Security: The converted container runs in the sandboxed WASM (WASI) VM with the limited access to the host system.

WASM Runtimes Integration Status

runtime stdio mapdir note
wasmtime ✔️ ✔️
wamr(wasm-micro-runtime) ✔️ ✔️
wazero 🚧 (stdin unsupported) ✔️ non-blocking stdin doesn't seem to work
wasmer 🚧 (stdin unsupported) ✔️ non-blocking stdin doesn't seem to work
wasmedge 🚧 (stdin unsupported) ✔️ non-blocking stdin doesn't seem to work
  • ✔️ : supported

  • 🚧 : WIP

  • NOTE: WASI features other than above is untested (future version will support more features)

Similar projects

There are several container runtimes support running WASM applications, but they don't run containers on WASM.

There are emulators that support running linux on WASM, but they don't support WASI.

Additional Documents

  • ./examples/: Examples (python, php, non-riscv64 image, etc.)



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  • C 93.1%
  • Go 4.3%
  • Other 2.6%