Test your Suite Script before to upload to NetSuite.
nsmockup ia a tool to create Netsuite Suite Scripts unit tests.
You can test your code before to upload to your Netsuite account.
Do you develop Netsuite Suite Scripts? Well, then you know how complicated is to test your code! You need to upload it, configure your script, start the debbuger and, maybe, you can test that!
This further complicates in larger projects, where you reuse your code in several Suite Scripts.
To improve our development process Suiteplus idealized the nsmockup, so developers can:
- Simulate Netsuite environment locally.
- Create automated tests for your projects in a controlled environment.
- node.js 4+
npm install nsmockup -save-dev
- opt { records: [String], metadatas: [String], server: Boolean }
- cb {Function}
var opt = {
records: {
"customrecord_my-record": __dirname + '/data/customrecord_my-record.json'
metadatas: [
__dirname + '/meta/metaData-customrecord_my-record.json'
server: true
nsmockup.init(opt, function(err) {
if (err) console.log('ERROR', err);
else console.log('start Netsuite API simulation')
- cfg { name: String, func: String, files: [String], params: Object }
- cb (ctx, exec) => {} -- callback
name: 'my_suitelet',
func: 'MySuitelet.main',
files: [
__dirname + '/lib/my-suitelet.js'
}, (ctx, exec) => {
// verify if function 'MySuitelet' was loaded
if (!ctx.MySuitelet) throw 'not found MySuitelet'
// invoke my RESTlet
let url = nlapiResolveURL('SUTELET', 'my_suitelet'),
res = nlapiRequestURL(url + 'message=hi');
if (res.getBody() === 'hello') {
console.log('Finish Suitelet');
- cfg { name: String, funcs: { get: String, post: String, put: String, delete: String }, files: [String], params: Object }
- cb (ctx, exec) => {} -- callback
name: 'my_restlet',
funcs: {
get: 'MyRestlet.get',
post: 'MyRestlet.post'
files: [
__drname + '/lib/my-restlet.js'
}, (ctx, exec) => {
// verify if function 'MyRestlet' was loaded
if (!ctx.MyRestlet) throw 'not found MyRestlet'
// invoke my RESTlet
let url = nlapiResolveURL('RESTLET', 'my_restlet'),
res = nlapiRequestURL(url, {message: 'live?'}, null, 'POST');
if (res.getBody() === 'yeap!') {
console.log('Finish RESTlet');
- cfg { name: String, func: String, files: [String], params: Object, exec: Boolean }
- cb (ctx, exec) => {} -- callback
name: 'my_schedule',
func: 'MySchedule.main',
files: [
__dirname + '/lib/my-schedule.js'
exec: false
}, (ctx, exec) => {
// verify if function 'MySchedule' was loaded
if (!ctx.MySchedule) throw 'not found MySchedule'
// execute 'MyOtherFunc.getJapo'
// you can execute any function present in file '/lib/my-schedule.js'
let japo = exec('MyOtherFunc.getJapo');
if (japo.verifyFinishSchedule()) {
console.log('Finished Schedule');
- cfg { name: String, funcs: { beforeLoad: String, beforeSubmit: String, afterSubmit: String }, files: [String], params: Object, record: String }
- cb (ctx, exec) => {} -- callback
name: 'my_user-event',
funcs: {
beforeLoad: 'MyUserEvent.beforeLoad',
beforeSubmit: 'MyUserEvent.beforeSubmit',
afterSubmit: 'MyUserEvent.afterSubmit',
files: [
__dirname + '/lib/my-user-event.js'
record: 'customer'
}, (ctx, exec) => {
// verify if function 'MyUserEvent' was loaded
if (!ctx.MyUserEvent) throw 'not found MySchedule'
var should = require('should')
let record = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 219);
record.setFieldValue('name', 'Muito Legal');
let context = ctx.nlapiGetContext();
let beforeLoadType = context.getSessionObject('before-load-type');
let beforeSubmitType = context.getSessionObject('before-submit-type');
let afterSubmitType = context.getSessionObject('after-submit-type');
- cb {Function}
nsmockup.destroy(function(err) {
if (err) console.log('ERROR', err);
else console.log('finish Netsuite API simulation')
'use strict';
var nsmockup = require('nsmockup');
describe('<Unit Test - Netsuite API Simulation>', function () {
before(function (done) {
// map record types
let metadatas = [
__dirname + '/record/meta/recordType-metaData-codeg.json',
__dirname + '/record/meta/recordType-metaData-codeg_ids.json'
records = {
'customrecord_codeg': __dirname + '/record/data/recordType-codeg.json',
'customrecord_codeg_ids': __dirname + '/record/data/recordType-codeg_ids.json'
// start database simulation
nsmockup.init({records, metadatas, server: true}, done);
it('simple load lib and execute function', function (done) {
name: 'my_restlet',
funcs: {
get: 'MyRestlet.get',
post: 'MyRestlet.post'
files: [
__drname + '/lib/my-restlet.js'
}, (ctx, exec) => {
// verify if function 'MyRestlet' was loaded
if (!ctx.MyRestlet) throw 'not found MyRestlet'
// invoke my RESTlet
let url = nlapiResolveURL('RESTLET', 'my_restlet'),
res = nlapiRequestURL(url, {message: 'live?'}, null, 'POST');
if (res && res.getBody() === 'yeap!') {
console.log('Finish RESTlet');
} else {
throw new Error('invalid result');
after(function (done) {