Download zip, extract it and rename the extracted folder to Everypay.
Move folder to app/code folder (create it if it does not exist)
From magento document root run : bin/magento setup:upgrade
From magento document root run : composer require "everypay/everypay-php":"@stable"
1. Title
Set the title you wish to be displayed at the Payment Selection step of checkout
2. Merchant Secret & Public Keys
You can find your keys in EveryPay's Dashboard at Settings > Api Keys section
(be careful to use the correct keys when using Sandbox Mode and vice versa)
3. Sandbox Mode
Enable or disable Sandbox Mode for testing pursposes
(be careful to use the correct keys when using Sandbox Mode)
4. Installments Plan
If your account supports Installments then you can create your plan according to the following pattern.
the values of each group are separated with a semicolon (;) and each group is separated with a comma (,)
the max_number_of_installments is based on your EveryPay Account setup
The last entry (max_number_of_installments;999999) is required as the closing group of your installments plan.