Register on using your email and password and then create new application
You should create one application per service, regardless of the platform. For example, an app released in both Android and iOS would require only one application to be created in the Dashboard.
All users within the same Qiscus application are able to communicate with each other, across all platforms. This means users using iOS, Android, web clients, etc. can all chat with one another. However, users in different Qiscus applications cannot talk to each other.
Done! Now you can use the APP_ID into your apps and get chat functionality by implementing Qiscus into your app.
Add to your project build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Then add to your app module build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.qiscus.sdk:chat:1.18.0'
Init Qiscus at your application class with your application ID
public class SampleApps extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Qiscus.init(this, "APP_ID");
Before user can start chatting each other, they must login to qiscus engine.
Qiscus.setUser("[email protected]", "userKey")
.withUsername("Tony Stark")
.save(new Qiscus.SetUserListener() {
public void onSuccess(QiscusAccount qiscusAccount) {
startActivity(new Intent(this, ConsultationListActivity.class));
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
Updating a User Profile and Avatar
Updating user profile and details is simply by re-init the user using new details :
Qiscus.setUser("[email protected]", "userKey")
.withUsername("Tony Stark")
.save(new Qiscus.SetUserListener() {
public void onSuccess(QiscusAccount qiscusAccount) {
startActivity(new Intent(this, ConsultationListActivity.class));
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
Disconnect / Logout
Whenever you no longer want the user to receive update
1-on-1 messaging is a private channel between two users. You can enable the distinct property for the channel in order to reuse a channel for the same members
Group messaging is a private channel among multiple users. You can invite up to hundreds of members into a group room
Start chat with target is very easy, all you need is just call
Qiscus.buildChatWith("[email protected]")
.withTitle("Jhon Doe")
.build(this, new Qiscus.ChatActivityBuilderListener() {
public void onSuccess(Intent intent) {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
Qiscus also support group chat. To create new group chat, all you need is just call
Qiscus.buildGroupChatRoom("GroupName", Arrays.asList("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"))
.build(new Qiscus.ChatBuilderListener() {
public void onSuccess(QiscusChatRoom qiscusChatRoom) {
startActivity(QiscusGroupChatActivity.generateIntent(MainActivity.this, qiscusChatRoom));
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
for accesing room that created by this call, you need to call it with its roomId. This methode is always creating new chat room.
When you already know your chat room id, you can easily go to that room. Just call
QiscusApi.getChatRoom(int roomId);
For example :
.map(qiscusChatRoom -> QiscusGroupChatActivity.generateIntent(this, qiscusChatRoom))
.subscribe(this::startActivity, throwable -> {
Currently we recommend to invite user into existing room through our REST API for simplicity and security reason
Currently we recommend to kick user out of specific room through our REST API for simplicity and security reason
Implement QiscusChatPresenter.View to your Activity Or Fragment
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements QiscusChatPresenter.View {
private QiscusChatPresenter qiscusChatPresenter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
qiscusChatPresenter = new QiscusChatPresenter(this, qiscusChatRoom);
public void initRoomData(QiscusChatRoom qiscusChatRoom, List<QiscusComment> comments) {
// Do your implementation
public void showComments(List<QiscusComment> qiscusComments) {
// Do your implementation
public void onLoadMore(List<QiscusComment> qiscusComments) {
// Do your implementation
public void onSendingComment(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void onSuccessSendComment(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void onFailedSendComment(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void onNewComment(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void onCommentDeleted(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void refreshComment(QiscusComment qiscusComment) {
// Do your implementation
public void updateLastDeliveredComment(int lastDeliveredCommentId) {
// Do your implementation
public void updateLastReadComment(int lastReadCommentId) {
// Do your implementation
public void onFileDownloaded(File file, String mimeType) {
// Do your implementation
public void onUserTyping(String user, boolean typing) {
// Do your implementation
EventBus, so you can listen event from anywhere, It does not matter whether it's an activity or not. For example from your application class
public class SampleApps extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Qiscus.init(this, "APP_ID");
* Subscribe anywhere to listen new message if you just got new message from someone
public void onGetNewQiscusComment(QiscusCommentReceivedEvent event) {
QiscusComment qiscusComment = event.getQiscusComment();
// Do your implementation
* Call QiscusPusherApi.getInstance().listenRoom(qiscusChatRoom); to get room event from anywhere at your application
public void onGetNewQiscusRoomEvent(QiscusChatRoomEvent event) {
switch (event.getEvent()) {
case TYPING:
// Someone is typing on this room event.getRoomId();
// Someone just received your message event.getCommentId()
case READ:
// Someone just read your message event.getCommentId()
* Call QiscusPusherApi.getInstance().listenUserStatus("[email protected]"); to listen status of [email protected]
public void onUserStatusUpdated(QiscusUserStatusEvent event) {
// A user just changed his/her status from (online or offline)
// event.getUser() changed to event.isOnline() at event.getLastActive()
Boring with default template? You can customized it, try it!, we have more items than those below code, its just example.
.setTimeFormat(date -> new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").format(date));
If you want full customisations, you can modify everything on the view by forking our repository or just right away modifying our ** **based on your needs.
Currently we recommend to use our Webhook-API to push notification from your own server to client app for simplicity and flexibility handling
// Setup qiscus account with rxjava example
Qiscus.setUser("[email protected]", "password")
.withUsername("Tony Stark")
.subscribe(qiscusAccount -> {
startActivity(new Intent(this, ConsultationListActivity.class));
}, throwable -> {
// Start a chat activity with rxjava example
Qiscus.buildChatWith("[email protected]")
.withTitle("Jhon Doe")
.subscribe(intent -> {
}, throwable -> {