Common code formatters and linters in a single Nix flake.
As a prerequisite, you need Nix to use this flake. You can integrate it into a flake as in this example. To use it ad hoc instead, run
nix run --no-write-lock-file github:evolutics/travel-kit -- [argument …]
To format your code and check for linting errors, simply run
# WARNING: this overwrites original files.
This affects all Git-tracked files in the current folder and its subfolders (recursively). Alternatively, you can pass specific paths to only affect those.
A non-zero exit status is returned if the formatting has been changed or there are linting errors.
To not apply certain tools, use the --skip
The --dry-run
option shows what would be done without changing anything.
The following tools are integrated:
git diff --check 'HEAD^' -- *
gitlint --ignore body-is-missing
hadolint -- *.Dockerfile Dockerfile
htmlhint -- *.htm *.html
jsonnet-lint -- *.jsonnet *.libsonnet
pylint -- *.py
shellcheck -- *.sh
stylelint -- *.css
treefmt --fail-on-change --no-cache --walk filesystem *.bazel *.bzl *.cjs *.clj *.cljc *.cljs *.cljx *.css *.html *.js *.json *.json5 *.jsonnet *.jsx *.libsonnet *.md *.mdx *.mjs *.nix *.py *.pyi *.rb *.scss *.sh *.sql *.tf *.tftest.hcl *.tfvars *.toml *.ts *.tsx *.vue *.yaml *.yml *Vagrantfile