Tags: ewaldhesse/parity-ethereum
Revert "Use std::sync::Condvar (openethereum#1732)" (openethereum#9392) * Revert "Use std::sync::Condvar (openethereum#1732)" This reverts commit c65ee93. * verification_queue: remove redundant mutexes
Merge branch 'generate-json-rpc-doc' of https://github.com/cpurta/par… …ity-ethereum into cpurta-generate-json-rpc-doc-03
Merge branch 'generate-json-rpc-doc' of https://github.com/cpurta/par… …ity-ethereum into cpurta-generate-json-rpc-doc
`evm bench` fix broken dependencies (openethereum#9134) * `evm bench` use valid dependencies Benchmarks of the `evm` used stale versions of a couple a crates that this commit fixes! * fix warnings