Michael Borthwick Consulting Pty. Ltd.
- Melbourne, Australia
- www.michaelborthwick.com.au
Project developed by Dutch computer enthusiasts in the 80s to run BASIC programs on various home computers
A collection of BASICODE programs by various authors
This is a project to retain 2D/2DD floppy disk data as a raw bit-stream data. The project includes both HW and SW.
[pipresents-next] is now end of life; use [pipresents-gapless]
[pipresents] is now unsupported; use [pipresents-next] or [pipresents-gapless]
A general-purpose Arduino shield for learning about Arduino hardware interfacing, or developing with Aiko.
Open-source (and open hardware) Arduino-based telemetry and instrumentation module for amateur rocketry
A bunch of Restful web service helpers and other tools for the Smart Energy Groups Energy Manager