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A strongly-typed and user-friendly factory library for Go


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gofacto is a strongly-typed and user-friendly factory library for Go, designed to simplify the creation of mock data. It offers:

  • Intuitive and straightforward usage
  • Strong typing and type safety
  • Flexible data customization
  • Support for various databases and ORMs
  • Basic and multi-level association relationship support



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Quick Start

You can find more examples in the examples folder.

Let's consider two structs: Customer and Order. Order struct has a foreign key CustomerID because a customer can have many orders.

type Customer struct {
    ID      int
    Gender  Gender     // custom defined type
    Name    string
    Email   *string
    Phone   string

type Order struct {
    ID          int
    CustomerID  int       `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:Customer"`
    OrderDate   time.Time
    Amount      float64

// Init a Customer factory
customerFactory := gofacto.New(Customer{}).
                           WithDB(mysqlf.NewConfig(db)) // Assuming db is a database connection

// Create and insert a customer
customer, err := customerFactory.Build(ctx).Insert()

// Create and insert two female customers
customers, err := customerFactory.BuildList(ctx, 2).
                                  Overwrite(Customer{Gender: Female}).
// customers[0].Gender == Female
// customers[1].Gender == Female

// Init a Order factory
orderFactory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

// Create and insert an order with one customer
c := Customer{}
order, err := orderFactory.Build(ctx).
// order.CustomerID == c.ID

// Create and insert two orders with two customers
c1, c2 := Customer{}, Customer{}
orders, err := orderFactory.BuildList(ctx, 2).
                            WithMany([]interface{}{&c1, &c2}).
// orders[0].CustomerID == c1.ID
// orders[1].CustomerID == c2.ID

Note: All fields in the returned struct are populated with non-zero values, and ID field is auto-incremented by the database.




Use New to initialize the factory by passing the struct you want to create mock data for.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{})

Build & BuildList

Use Build to create a single value, and BuildList to create a list of values.

order, err := factory.Build(ctx).Get()
orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).Get()

Get method returns the struct(s) without inserting them into the database. All fields are populated with non-zero values.


Use Insert to insert values into the database.
Insert method inserts the struct into the database and returns the struct with ID field populated with the auto-incremented value.

order, err := factory.Build(ctx).Insert()
orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).Insert()

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Use Overwrite to set specific fields.
The fields in the struct will be used to overwrite the fields in the generated struct.

order, err := factory.Build(ctx).Overwrite(Order{Amount: 100}).Insert()
// order.Amount == 100

When building a list of values, Overwrite is used to overwrite all the list of values, and Overwrites is used to overwrite each value in the list of values.

orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).Overwrite(Order{Amount: 100}).Insert()
// orders[0].Amount == 100
// orders[1].Amount == 100

orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).Overwrites(Order{Amount: 100}, Order{Amount: 200}).Insert()
// orders[0].Amount == 100
// orders[1].Amount == 200

Note: Explicit zero values are not overwritten by default. Use SetZero or SetTrait for this purpose.

order, err := factory.Build(ctx).Overwrite(Order{Amount: 0}).Insert()
// order.Amount != 0

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When initializing the factory, use WithTrait method to set the trait functions and the corresponding keys. Then use SetTrait method to apply the trait functions when building the struct.

func setFemale(c *Customer) {
  c.Gender = Female
factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).
                   WithTrait("female", setFemale)

customer, err := factory.Build(ctx).SetTrait("female").Insert()
// customer.Gender == Female

When building a list of values, SetTrait is used to apply one trait function to all the list of values, and SetTraits is used to apply multiple trait functions to the list of values.

func setFemale(c *Customer) {
  c.Gender = Female
func setMale(c *Customer) {
  c.Gender = Male
factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).
                   WithTrait("female", setFemale).
                   WithTrait("male", setMale)

customers, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).SetTrait("female").Insert()
// customers[0].Gender == Female
// customers[1].Gender == Female

customers, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).SetTraits("female", "male").Insert()
// customers[0].Gender == Female
// customers[1].Gender == Male

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Use SetZero to set specific fields to zero values.
SetZero method with Build accepts multiple string as the field names, and the fields will be set to zero values when building the struct.
SetZero method with BuildList accepts an index and multiple string as the field names, and the fields will be set to zero values when building the struct at the index.

customer, err := factory.Build(ctx).SetZero("Email", "Phone").Insert()
// customer.Email == nil
// customer.Phone == ""

customers, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).SetZero(0, "Email", "Phone").Insert()
// customers[0].Email == nil
// customers[0].Phone == ""
// customers[1].Email != nil
// customers[1].Phone != ""

Find out more examples.

WithOne & WithMany

When there is the associations relationship between the structs, use WithOne and WithMany methods to build the associated structs.
Before using WithOne and WithMany methods, make sure setting the correct tag in the struct.

type Order struct {
  ID          int
  CustomerID  int       `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:Customer"`
  OrderDate   time.Time
  Amount      float64

The format of the tag is following:

  • struct is the name of the associated struct. It is required.
  • table is the name of the table. It is optional, the snake case of the struct name(s) will be used if not provided.
  • field is the name of the foreign value fields within the struct. It is optional.
// build an order with one customer
c := Customer{}
order, err := factory.Build(ctx).WithOne(&c).Insert()
// order.CustomerID == c.ID

// build two orders with two customers
c1 := Customer{}
c2 := Customer{}
orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).WithMany([]interface{}{&c1, &c2}).Insert()
// orders[0].CustomerID == c1.ID
// orders[1].CustomerID == c2.ID

// build an order with only one customer
c1 := Customer{}
orders, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).WithOne(&c1).Insert()
// orders[0].CustomerID == c1.ID
// orders[1].CustomerID == c1.ID

If there are multiple level association relationships, both WithOne and WithMany methods can also come in handy.
Suppose we have a following schema:

type Expense struct {
	ID         int
	UserID     int `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:User"`
	CategoryID int `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:Category,table:categories"`

type Category struct {
	ID     int
	UserID int `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:User"`

type User struct {
	ID int

We can build the Expense struct with the associated User and Category structs by using WithOne and WithMany methods.

// build one expense with one user and one category
user := User{}
category := Category{}
expense, err := factory.Build(ctx).WithOne(&user).WithOne(&category).Insert()
// expense.UserID == user.ID
// expense.CategoryID == category.ID
// category.UserID == user.ID

// build two expenses with two users and two categories
user1 := User{}
user2 := User{}
category1 := Category{}
category2 := Category{}
expenses, err := factory.BuildList(ctx, 2).WithMany([]interface{}{&user1, &user2}).WithMany([]interface{}{&category1, &category2}).Insert()
// expenses[0].UserID == user1.ID
// expenses[0].CategoryID == category1.ID
// expenses[1].UserID == user2.ID
// expenses[1].CategoryID == category2.ID
// category1.UserID == user1.ID
// category2.UserID == user2.ID

This is one of the most powerful features of gofacto, it helps us easily build the structs with the complex associations relationships as long as setting the correct tags in the struct.

Find out more examples.

Best Practice to use WithOne & WithMany
  • Must pass the struct pointer to WithOne or WithMany
  • Must pass same type of struct pointer to WithMany
  • Do not pass struct with cyclic dependency
// Do not do this:
type A struct {
    B_ID int `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:B"`
type B struct {
    A_ID int `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:A"`


Use Reset method to reset the factory.


Reset method is recommended to use when tearing down the test.


Set Configurations


Use WithBlueprint method to set the blueprint function which is a clients defined function to generate the struct values.

func blueprint(i int) *Order {
  return &Order{
    OrderDate: time.Now(),
    Amount:    100*i,
factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

When configure with blueprint, the blueprint function will be called when building the struct first, then the zero value fields will be set to non-zero values by the factory. It is useful when the clients want to set the default values for the struct.

The signature of the blueprint function is following:
type blueprintFunc[T any] func(i int) T

Find out more examples.


Use WithStorageName method to set the storage name.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

The storage name will be used when inserting the value into the database.

When using SQL databases, the storage name is the table name.
When using NoSQL databases, the storage name is the collection name.

It is optional, the snake case of the struct name(s) will be used if not provided.


Use WithDB method to set the database connection.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

When using raw MySQL, use mysqlf package.
When using raw PostgreSQL, use postgresf package.
When using MongoDB, use mongof package.
When using GORM, use gormf package.


Use WithIsSetZeroValue method to set if the zero values are set.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

The zero values will not be set when building the struct if the flag is set to false.

It is optional, it's true by default.

omit tag

Use omit tag in the struct to ignore the field when building the struct.

type Order struct {
  ID          int
  CustomerID  int       `gofacto:"struct:Customer"`
  OrderDate   time.Time
  Amount      float64
  Ignore      string    `gofacto:"omit"`

The field Ignore will not be set to non-zero values when building the struct.


Supported Databases


Using NewConfig in mysqlf package to configure the database connection.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

db is *sql.DB connection.

Add mysqlf tag in the struct to specify the column name.

type Order struct {
  ID          int       `mysqlf:"id"`
  CustomerID  int       `mysqlf:"customer_id"`
  OrderDate   time.Time `mysqlf:"order_date"`
  Amount      float64   `mysqlf:"amount"`

It is optional to add mysqlf tag, the snake case of the field name will be used if not provided.


Using NewConfig in postgresf package to configure the database connection.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

db is *sql.DB connection.

Add postgresf tag in the struct to specify the column name.

type Order struct {
  ID          int       `postgresf:"id"`
  CustomerID  int       `postgresf:"customer_id"`
  OrderDate   time.Time `postgresf:"order_date"`
  Amount      float64   `postgresf:"amount"`

It is optional to add postgresf tag, the snake case of the field name will be used if not provided.


Using NewConfig in mongof package to configure the database connection.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

db is *mongo.Database connection.

Add mongof tag in the struct to specify the column name.

type Order struct {
  ID          primitive.ObjectID  `mongof:"_id"`
  CustomerID  primitive.ObjectID  `mongof:"customer_id"`
  OrderDate   time.Time           `mongof:"order_date"`
  Amount      float64             `mongof:"amount"`

It is optional to add mongof tag, the snake case of the field name will be used if not provided.


Supported ORMs


Using NewConfig in gormf package to configure the database connection.

factory := gofacto.New(Order{}).

db is *gorm.DB connection.

When using gorm, we might add the association relationship in the struct.

type Order struct {
  ID          int
  Customer    Customer   `gorm:"foreignKey:CustomerID"`
  CustomerID  int        `gofacto:"foreignKey,struct:Customer,field:Customer"`
  OrderDate   time.Time
  Amount      float64

It basically tells gofacto that CustomerID is the foreign key that references the ID field in the Customer struct, and the field Customer is the associated field.


Important Considerations

  1. gofacto assumes the ID field is the primary key and auto-incremented by the database.

  2. gofacto cannot set the custom type values defined by the clients.

type CustomType string

type Order struct {
  ID          int
  CustomType  CustomType
  OrderDate   time.Time
  Amount      float64

If the struct has a custom type, gofacto will ignore the field, and leave it as zero value.
The clients need to set the values manually by using blueprint or overwrite if they don't want the zero value.



This library is inspired by the factory, fixtory, factory-go, and gogo-factory.