HTTP/HTTP2/HTTP3/Socks4/Socks5/Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/SSH/Redirect/Pf TCP/UDP asynchronous tunnel proxy implemented in Python 3 asyncio.
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
Python API for the Huawei B525 router (model B525s-65a)
PHP and C/C++ API for Huawei-B315s-22 modem/router.
Nagios/Icinga check for OpenVPN availability monitoring
Transparent TLS sni proxy ( sniproxy ) written with pure C.
An Opinionated Lightweight Implementation of V2Ray, in Rust Programming Language
A Lightweight VPN Built on top of IPFS + Libp2p for Truly Distributed Networks.
Acc app allows to edit acc config file and add a tile to start and stop acc deamon
Self-hosted Speed Test for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more
Use named netns (net namespace) with systemd services!
Public DNS resolver that protects you from ad trackers
moonbaseDelta / OSfooler-ng
Forked from segofensiva/OSfooler-ngOSfooler-ng prevents remote active/passive OS fingerprinting by tools like nmap or p0f
Create minimal CentOS 8 installation ISO with customized packages.
Forward RSS feeds to your email address, community maintained
Ansible role wich installs and configures a Nagios NRPE Server
SSH wrapper script that brings your dotfiles always with you on Linux and OSX
Monitoring plugin to check automatic updates (unattended-upgrades) on Debian / Ubuntu.
Docker image for automatic generation of SSL certs using Let's encrypt and Open Resty