dev-presentations Public
This repository contains a collection of presentations, code examples, and resoures used in technical talks. Topics covered include modern web development tools, frameworks, and techniques.🐱👤✨
quera_golrang_contest Public
Answers to Golrang Company's Front End Competition questions on Quera
mern-ecommerce Public
Javascript - Reactjs- Redux - Rest API - MongoDB - Expressjs - backend and frontend
AVR-micro Public
AVR program: Automatic washing machine simulator code using ATMega32 for simulation in Proteus
advanced-authentication-mern Public
MongoDB - Express - React - NodeJS
chatbot-chatgpt-4 Public
Create a chatbot using the chatCompletion endpoint and ChatGPT-4, and store the conversation in a database.
open-ai-apps Public
Movie idea generator with ChatGPT and Dall-E
todolist-app Public
A simple to-do list application for managing tasks efficiently using api , json-server.
FreeTwilightStarrySkySVG Public
Get a free SVG background featuring a sky with blinking stars during twilight✨
Speed-TypingGame Public
A simple mini-game to count the number of letters in a certain time (typing speed test). The game used: useState(), useEffect(), useRef() and a custom hook.
Google-keep-clone Public
Dieses Projekt ist ein Klon von Google Keep, einer von Google entwickelten Notizanwendung. Es wurde mit ReactJs und Javascript in zwei separaten Dateien erstellt!
w-m-selenium Public
network monitoring with python
E-comm-example-code Public
Little Ecommerce website built with Reactjs and used React Router, React Hooks, Custom Hooks, Context, propTypes
SPA-03-e Public
Die Unternehmenswebsite soll die Marke, Produkte und Dienstleistungen des Unternehmens präsentieren und eine Plattform für das Bloggen und den Newsletter-Versand bieten. gebaut mit HTML und CSS,Jav…
R-redux-john-smilga Public
redux cart
SPA-02-e Public
A simple of Portfolio, created with Html , Css , JavaScript
SPA-01-e Public
Single page design with HTML and CSS ( created on Sep 2, 2022 )
Python-projects Public
Eine Sammlung anfängerfreundlicher Python-Projekte, die mit minimalem Code abgeschlossen werden können 🐍
Reactjs-note Public
Add some features to the Note app (create width html ,css, javascript-react js)
Tenzies-game Public
A simple game created with Reactjs (not completed )
Movie-search-reactjs Public
This website was designed to allow viewers complete access to all movie and tv series trailers. It was created using Reactjs
Hacker-News-clone Public
Eine Nachrichtenseite, die die Hacker-News-API verwendet. Sehen Sie sich neue und beste Tech-Geschichten an. JavaScript-API reagieren📰🕶
Assembly-ARM Public
A simple example of an assembly language project with ARM from the course 'design of microprocessor systems and cpu' from the Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
passenger-counter Public
A Basic counter app built with HTML , CSS and JavaScript
modern-site Public
This is a example of modern site ( space theme)
get-link-extesion Public
This is an extension for chrome that gives you URLs from each site and creates with JavaScript - localStorage and dom