Fabian Jaehnke
- hamburg
- http://fabvisual.de
A WordPress plugin to add an Advanced Search Form with auto-suggest using a shortcode.
📦 A zero-configuration #0CJS developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins.
Integrate create-react-app with your WordPress theme/plugin.
Accessible drag and drop list reorder module
✒️ A fluent interface for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin
An Isotope v2 custom layout that lays out items in columns evenly
Allows you to set a page as the base URL for a post type, much like you can set a page for your blog posts.
Example Roots stack project (Trellis, Bedrock, Sage)
paul's fish, bash, git, etc config files. good stuff.
Sublime plugin for CSScomb—CSS coding style formatter
Internationalize WordPress themes and plugins with Grunt.
Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
Ingress-IITC-Plugin: Visualizes Portal-Damage (zap-range, -intensity and mitigation) for all portals within view.
jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
JavaScript, SCSS, Sass, Less, and Stylus helpers for rendering high-resolution image variants
fabianjaehnke / ugla-slider
Forked from axeff/ugla-sliderjavascript slider
Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
A plugin for defining custom scroll paths.
A framework to get your Tumblr themes started.
paulirish / html5-boilerplate
Forked from h5bp/html5-boilerplateTHIS REPO HAS MOVED! It has a pretty new home at github.com/h5bp ╰☆╮Please click this link below.
Home of the Joomla! Content Management System