SymPHP is a mathematical library that parses arithmetic expressions and can do some symbolic simplifications.
use SymPHP\Parser\Parser;
$parser = new Parser();
$expr = $parser->parse('3 - 2^2 + x');
echo $expr, "\n";
// Add(Sub(3, Exp(2, 2)), x) - Representation of the expression
$expr = $expr->simplify();
echo $expr, "\n";
// Add(-1, x) - -1 + x
$expr2 = $parser->parse('-1 + x')->simplify();
echo $expr1->equals($expr2);
// 1 - true - Compares the two expressions
// Basic operations
$expr->flatten(); // Add(Add(2, 3), 4) -> Add(2, 3, 4)
$expr->evaluate(array $symbols=null); // Evaluate $expr numerically with symbols replaced
$expr->simplify(); // Simplify expression
$expr->equals($other); // Compare two expressions
$expr->distribute() // If a * (b + c) -> a * b + a * c
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests