fabioo29 Public
Personal readme template with a visitors counter and some Git stats. This template is also updated every hour with Github actions.
UpdatedAug 22, 2023 -
chatgpt-voice-assistant Public
A voice assistant powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT language model, currently available in six languages.
portfolio-rebalancer Public
A web based app to help you allocate your next investment in order to restore balance to your portfolio.
voice-assistant-discord-bot Public
Music discord.py bot with build-in google assistant and other usefull features (can be used with voice or text commands).
devfolio Public
Django (Python web framework) based web developer portfolio with Github API integration and SQLite. Deployed with heroku.com.
soccer-entity-recognition Public
NLP application to recognize useful entities in soccer (NER) such as players, stadiums, teams, referees and managers in game match transcripts.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2022 -
pt-house-price-predict Public
Housing price prediction for Portuguese people with machine learning (Random Forest Regressor). The website was built using Flask.
csp-sudoku-solver Public
Comparison of performance between different AI algorithms (Backtracking, CSP, etc.) solving Sudoku. You can enter your input or choose between four board difficulties.
ai-wumpus-world Public
Intelligent agent that plays the wumpus world game. SWI-Prolog was used for the game/agent logic itself and Python for the game interface.
ai-self-driving-car Public
Simulation in Pygame of a AI Self-driving car learning how to drive properly in four different tracks with a help of a Genetic Algorithm (Natural Selection, Cross Over and Mutation methods)
covid-cases-prediction Public
Tkinter app to predict daily covid-19 cases of a district county given a range of dates.
telegram-trading-bot Public
This metatrader bot focused on Forex allows you to control your trades and receive alerts with simple commands through telegram on your mobile device.
physio-motion-transfer Public
Official repo for Physio Motion Transfer "A Deep Learning approach for human motion and appearance transfer".
ai-navigation-robot Public
Computer Vision and Deep Learning based Ev3 robot that can regroup objects based on the detected shape on each one.
autonomous-warehouse Public
Automous warehouse with Box size classifier using ladder programming and Factory.io for simulation.
info-segsocial Public
Extrato de renumerações do portal da segurança social direta (https://app.seg-social.pt/) com selenium.
popular-courses-udemy Public
Web scraper to show the most popular/purchased courses on users Udemy personal account using requests sessions.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2021