This repository documents the development of a CAN Network IDS implemented with a machine learning approach.
There are valid log files acquired from a simulated CAN Network as well as fabricated malign messages. You can also find useful python scripts to help in the dataset preparation:
Generates attacking frames to the network 'can0' with the choosen technique.
python <technique: dos|fuzzy|throt|speed|accel> [duration (in seconds)] [interval (in seconds)]
# examples
python dos
python fuzzy 30 0.001
You can also use a serial_attack mode, which makes all attacks during 5 seconds sequentially. Optionally, you can use the flag 'dataset_gen' to use extended ids in order to differentiate attack messages.
python serial_attack [dataset_gen]
Generates and formats candump's logfile to expected csv file while labelling data.
python <logfile path> <label>
If the label is 'auto', log2csv will assume messages with extended id as malign and benign otherwise.
Monitores the can network 'can0' looking for malign messages with the desired model.
python <model path>
You can find a set of produced models at the /models folder. Each model was trained with a certain % amount of data, using or not "Time Interval" (TI) and "Same ID Time Interval" (SITI) variables. To use NOTI or NOSITI models, you must change code accordingly. Please note that this IDS is not efficient and was made only for demonstrational purposes.
Notebook detailing model development, as well as data separation.