Personal website to unify my fragmented thoughts
built with dust
- Melange used to transpile OCaml syntax to JS
- Esy package management for native Reason, OCaml and more
- TailwindCSS you already know this XD
and etc, mostly used to run the static site generator engine.
- .github/workflows -- run action to compile the site
- generator/ -- the SSG engine
- src/ -- all website code goes there
- tailwindcss/ -- tailwindcss declaration
it's pretty complicated, you need open 3 terminal window
- Installing NodeJS packages
yarn # or npm install
- Installing Melange, OCaml packages using esy
yarn build # or npm run build
- On first window, we need to run melange
yarn watch # or npm run watch
- On second window, run the SSG
yarn dust:dev # or npm run dust:dev
- Last window, running tailwindcss watcher to detect css changes
yarn css:dev # or npm run css:dev
- Open localhost:8080
- Access another page without reload the page
- Markdown need TOC support
- Migrate Rescript Syntax to OCaml
- Simplify import script
- Add Darkmode
- Add AlpineJS (?)
- Add feature to store assets on individual post page
# Idea
-- assets/*
- Rewrite engine flow