[Neural Networks 2025] Dual Selective Fusion Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Matlab Code for Multichannel Pulse-Coupled Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Visualization, 2020, TGRS
Danfeng Hong, Zhu Han, Jing Yao, Lianru Gao, Bing Zhang, Antonio Plaza, Jocelyn Chanussot. Spectralformer: Rethinking hyperspectral image classification with transformers, IEEE Transactions on Geos…
The repository contains the implementation of the paper "SwinMSP: A Shifted Windows Masked Spectral Pretraining Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification"
Keras implementation of Generative Adversarial Minority Oversampling for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
A paper list of some recent Transformer-based CV works.
[CVPR 2024] SHViT: Single-Head Vision Transformer with Memory Efficient Macro Design
RepViT: Revisiting Mobile CNN From ViT Perspective [CVPR 2024] and RepViT-SAM: Towards Real-Time Segmenting Anything
Papers related to remote sensing in CVPR 2024
Pytorch implementation of Multimodal Fusion Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Classification.
[ICCV 2023]The PyTorch implementation of TL-Align: Token-Label Alignment for Vision Transformers.
[IEEE T-GRS 2024] The official repository for Journal Article “FactoFormer: Factorized Hyperspectral Transformers with Self-Supervised Pre-Training”, Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and…
L. Sun, G. Zhao, Y. Zheng, and Z. Wu. "Spectral–Spatial Feature Tokenization Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE TGRS, 2022.
PyTorch Implementation of SSTNs for hyperspectral image classifications from the IEEE T-GRS paper "Spectral-Spatial Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A FAS Framework."
Python for《Deep Learning》,该书为《深度学习》(花书) 数学推导、原理剖析与源码级别代码实现
✔(已完结)最全面的 深度学习 笔记【土堆 Pytorch】【李沐 动手学深度学习】【吴恩达 深度学习】
A keras based implementation of Hybrid-Spectral-Net as in IEEE GRSL paper "HybridSN: Exploring 3D-2D CNN Feature Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Image Classification".
Code repository for Scheibenreif, L., Mommert, M., & Borth, D. (2023). Masked Vision Transformers for Hyperspectral Image Classification, In CVPRW EarthVision 2023
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Group-Aware Hierarchical Transformer
A Fast Neighborhood Grouping Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection
Implementation of Hang et al. 2020 "Hyperspectral Image Classification with Attention Aided CNNs" for tree species prediction