Faith of Life Network
- Mississauga, ON
- @faithoflifedev
easy_onvif_workspace Public
This package works with a variety of ONVIF compatible devices allowing for IP Cameras and NVRs (network video recorders) to be integrated into Dart and Flutter applications.
google_vision_workspace Public
Integrates Google Vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, optical character recognition (OCR), and detection of explicit content, into applications.
publish_tools Public
This package provides a set of Grinder tasks that make it easy to release a Dart and Flutter packages.
obs_websocket Public
obsWebsocket allows dart-based connections to the Open Broadcaster plugin obs-websocket.
flutter_image_converter Public
Forked from syrokomskyi/flutter_image_converterThe converter between Dart & Flutter images: ui, widgets, package image, ImageProvider, raw bytes, Base64 string. You no longer have to worry about writing code to convert images in different forma…
homebrew-yt Public
A command line interface for controlling Youtube through its data and live streaming APIs
homebrew-easy_onvif Public
A command line interface for controlling Onvif compliant devices
x509 Public
Forked from appsup-dart/x509Dart library for parsing and working with X.509 certificates
super_editor Public
Forked from superlistapp/super_editorA Rich Text Editor for Flutter
langchain_dart Public
Forked from davidmigloz/langchain_dartBuild powerful LLM-based Dart/Flutter applications.
image Public
Forked from brendan-duncan/imageDart Image Library for opening, manipulating, and saving various different image file formats.
grinder.dart Public
Forked from google/grinder.dartDart workflows, automated
pcanvas Public
Forked from gmpassos/pcanvasA portable canvas that can work in many platforms (Flutter, Web, Desktop, in-memory Image).
flat_icons_flutter Public
Forked from duncwillz/flat_icons_flutterLibrary for flat icon packages in Flutter
obs-websocket Public
Forked from obsproject/obs-websocketRemote-control of OBS Studio through WebSocket
homebrew-spider Public
Forked from BirjuVachhani/homebrew-spiderA tap for spider package
floggy Public
Forked from infinum/floggyCustomizable logger for dart and flutter applications.
mustache Public
Forked from jonahwilliams/mustacheMustache template Dart library
tkd_terms Public
A simple app that will help you learn common Tae Kwon Do related Korean terms
easy_enum Public
Provides source_gen `Generator` for generating `BetterEnum` extensions.
wp-post-push-notification Public
WordPress plugin to send a push notification to a mobile app when a new post is published to a specific category