Update: My modlet spontaneously stopped reporting, and will not restart. As such, I will likely not be updating this in the future.
An Open Source client for the Modlet (smart) outlet
This is a ground-up rewrite of the hacklet tool for use in long-running data-collection applications, rather then IFTTT triggered-action situations. It's also not written in the abomination that is ruby, and is considerably faster as well (at least juding by startup-to-first-data times on a raspberry pi)!
The main modlet interface is in the pyhacklet
directory. The scripts in the repo root are actually related to getting the data into an emoncms instance. EmonFeeder.py
is a class that handles shoving data into emoncms cleanly.
is a script that uses pyhacklet
and EmonFeeder.py
to poll the modlet at 1 Hz for new data (probably faster then is warranted, but eh), and insert the returned power data into my emoncms instance.
is a unrelated script that loads weather data received over a serial interface into the same emoncms instance. It's only here because it used to be part of the script that also loads the modlet data.
This was written using the original hacklet code as reference for the modlet API. @mcolyer did all the hard reverse-engineering, I just wish he hadn't used ruby.
Anyways, this is very alpha-release at this point. I don't know how the modlet hardware will deal with extremely-long-running open serial connections, and I haven't had it running long enough to see where it starts to break (and fix those places). Previously, my modlet data-logging had involved reinitializing the serial port once per read, as that was a limitation of the way I had to call the original hacklet script (as a subprocess).
Keeping the connection open, as well as the fact that the whole ruby interpreter doesn't need to be called for EVERY reading means this is dramatically lighter with regard to resource usage, a particularly important consideration when running this tool on a Raspberry Pi, as I am.