Ruby version 2.3.0 It's in the Gemfile. It's probably not vital, but it is not otherwise tested
To get the app up and running you will need to setup the ENV variables
mv config/application.sample.yml config/application.yml
The configuration is done using figaro you can push the ENV variables to Heroku with
figaro heroku:set -e production
Go ahead and set your postgresql username/password or skip to just push to heroku
- Database creation/initialization
rake db:setup
- Run the rspec test suite with (wait for it)
There are a ton of deprecation messages. They look like a tremendous amount of technical debt. Version 0.2 appears to be canceled though so we won't waste time fixing it this round.
- Deployment instructions
If you need to setup heroku toolbelt setup -> instructions otherwise all you need are
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku addons:create sendgrid:starter
finally swap the domain/host for your new heroku domain in config/application.yml or the whole app may or may not tumble like a house of cards. However, the password reset email will definately bomb. And now would be time time for that
figaro heroku:set -e production
- Further notes
- Using jquery all the forms should be submitted by ajax, but will also function without javascript enabled
- The next step would probably be acceptance/inheritance tests. Currently testing out the actual work flow with the js requires hand testing and is therefore cumbersome.
- I didn't get around to styling the devise views.
- The only truly interseting code is found in ErrorHelper && ErrorProxy which I used to simplifying creating a dummy set of errors while also simplifying the interface with standard ActiveRecord model errors.