Pixel sorting on a collection of photo sets for live performances
This sketch performs pixel sorting on a collection of photo sets. It was built to be used in live performances.
- It runs on Processing (2).
- For the GUI, I use controlP5 which works ok on Processing 2 but not 3.
- The sorting algorithim used is this sketch written by Phillip Davis Stearns.
Install the controlP5 library and open the sketch in Processing 2.
To add your own photo sets, place them in the data folder and add them to photoSets at the top of the main sketch
String[] photoSets = {
"cosmos", "desert" // , "more", "albums", "here"
Each photo set may contain jpg photos of any size but they must be named poly0.jpg, poly1.jpg, poly2.jpg, and so on.
That's it!
Let's go through what the control window let's you do:
Play = starts and stops the pixel sorting
Reload = restart the sorting on the current image
Back/Next Image = goes back or forwards one image
No Flip = toggle flipping image in the photoset (default: on)
Random Mode/Matrix = set a new random mode or matrix on the next image
Sort speed = speed up the sorting effect by skipping 1-5 pixels
Sort Flip = flip the sorting thersholds
Wrap = toggle wrapping pixels on image edges on/off (default: on)
Mode = choose between 6 sorting algorithims
Sort Matrix = the direction in which the sorting is to be done
CLR = zeroes the current matrix
Range = lower and upper brightness thersholds of which pixels to be sorted
Frate = speed control, it really changes the sketch's framerate
Flip Time = set how long it takes between image flips, the higher the value the slower the flip
Overlay = set the hue and transparency of an overlay layer
Shot = Take a screenshot of the display window and save it in TIFF format
Albums = load another album
Hidden Controls
You can control the size of the display window in the first line in the setup() function
size(1080, 720);
To Kareem Osman for the help testing this code in the wild.
MIT 2018
Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.
If you use this code in a live show or to make a video, I would love to hear from you. Email me at [email protected]