Starred repositories
Universal File Online Preview Project based on Spring-Boot
All the goodies from both Mixpanel and Plausible combined into one tool.
Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
域名SSL证书监测平台、SSL证书申请自动续签。Domain and SSL Cert monitor System.
A curated list of awesome things related to Telegram Mini Apps (TMA).
📃 Landing page UI components for React & Next.js, built on top of TailwindCSS
Open source real-time translation app for Android that runs locally
Free Bootstrap 5 admin/dashboard template
A Java utility is designed to FLATTEN nested JSON objects and even more to UNFLATTEN them back
Knife4j is a set of Swagger2 and OpenAPI3 All-in-one enhancement solution
Flutter Admin: 一个基于 Flutter 的后台管理系统、开发模板。A backend management system and development template based on Flutter
Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
Cross-platform automation framework for all kinds of apps, built on top of the W3C WebDriver protocol
tidevice can be used to communicate with iPhone device
Android上强大的悬浮窗组件,支持 系统浮窗(需要权限)、应用内浮窗(无权限)、局部悬浮(View),支持边缘吸附、回弹、自定义动画、位置保存、窗口化及分屏后位置修复等。Android without permission suspension window(App), support global(View), local suspension, support edge adsorp…
一个Material Design风格的Hexo主题。 https://imys.net/ 备用:
An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
👻 A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy. QQ群:734330215
🚀 KIMI AI 长文本大模型逆向API【特长:长文本解读整理】,支持高速流式输出、智能体对话、联网搜索、探索版、K1思考模型、长文档解读、图像解析、多轮对话,零配置部署,多路token支持,自动清理会话痕迹,仅供测试,如需商用请前往官方开放平台。
an extremely simple tool for separating vocals and background music, completely localized for web operation, using 2stems/4stems/5stems models 这是一个极简的人声和背景音乐分离工具,本地化网页操作,无需连接外网
Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识
✍ WeChat Markdown Editor | 一款高度简洁的微信 Markdown 编辑器:支持 Markdown 语法、色盘取色、多图上传、一键下载文档、自定义 CSS 样式、一键重置等特性