Platform for dietitians and their clients. Provides tools for a dietitian to monitor his clients, their nutrition habits and their weightloss progress. Two main roles, dietitian and client, with different access and tools.
> Add client
> Edit client
> Delete client
> Create nutrition plan
> Client compilation view
> View meals in calendar
> Report comments on meals
> import weightappDBexport.sql to your local MySQL DB
> change MySQL DB password according to config.php
> go_to_your_localhost_adress/weightapp
> dietitian => username: diaitologos1 password: 123
> client => username: thanos password: 123
This web application was developed for the needs of a school assignment. It was graded with 10/10 points (A+) and was named as the best in class. Developed from scratch with Bootstrap v3.3.6