AlphaPlayer is a video animation engine.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
A bytecode instrumentation library for Android(一个 Android 字节码插桩库)
An Android Image and Video Selection Framework Implemented with Jetpack Compose(一个用 Jetpack Compose 实现的 Android 图片视频选择框架)
🏄 一个可带来极致体验的Compose刷新组件;支持下拉刷新和上拉加载,可完美替代官方的SwipeRefresh;并且支持的功能更多,可扩展性更强。
bsdiff Windows binaries and Visual Studio 2015/2019 project.
🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
A type-safe HTTP client for Android and the JVM
Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
ByteX is a bytecode plugin platform based on Android Gradle Transform API and ASM. 字节码插件开发平台
提供了两种处理JNI Crash问题的方法,一种是异常检测,一种是崩溃信号量捕获。简书对应文章:
🔥基于堆栈采样,使用函数火焰图的形式展示Android Main Looper的慢消息处理过程,定位阻塞原因
jadepeakpoet / ARouter
Forked from alibaba/ARouter💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization (帮助 Android App 进行组件化改造的路由框架)
curl tool and libcurl static library prefab for android
🔥 涵盖了Android系统文件的创建/删除/复制/打开文件(目录)、获取文件(目录)大小、获取常用目录、获取文件名称及后缀、获取MimeType以及MediaStore和SAF的相关操作等常用功能,并且也处理了获取文件Uri/Path的兼容问题、图片压缩和文件选择等功能。
Guaranteed compile-time string literal obfuscation header-only library for C++14
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.