A hobby project for setting and checking in on personal intentions
first-draft, has since been revised a bit https://drawsql.app/teams/personal-916/diagrams/intentions
- create a IntentionType model for Count, Boolean
- adjust check-in schema to allow free-form JSON (count, true/false)
- create concept of Daily vs The Next Day (on IntentionSchedule?)
- rest api
- create cron to check intention schedules and make check-ins
- when making a check-in, need a new field to differentiate same-day from yesterday checkins
- add a "complete" flag to check-ins, or use presence/absence of json data to derive whether it has been submitted?
- add a UI for filling in created check-ins? or a way to send/receive checkins via email/sms/app?
- auth
- host this somewhere?