No further work will be performed on this module since it was not approved the Foundry VTT company.
This module provides a set of compendiums for use with the Cypher System game system for Foundry VTT. The compendiums provide journal entries containing page references for thefollowing from the Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny rulebooks.
- Types
- Descriptors
- Foci
As per the Fan Use Policy, no descriptive text or rules are provided in these compendiums; they contain only game terms and associated numerical values.
In order to access the PDFs using the PDFoundry module, the names of the journal entries for the PDFs must match the following exact spelling:
- Numenera Discovery
- Numenera Destiny
The page offset for each document should be set to 2 to ensure that the correct page is located via the page links.
The package should be available from the Add-On Modules, Install Module option of Foundry VTT.
If you want to install it manually, then enter the following into the Manifest URL at the bottom of the "Install Module" window:
PDF Pager provides the ability to open PDFs at a specific page.
Additional markers are placed into each of the journal entries which provide compatibility with the Creation Tool component of the Nice(TSY) Cypher Add-Ons module.
Cypher System game terms and any material owned by Monte Cook Games is used in accordance with the Fan Use Policy.
The software component of this system is distributed under the MIT license.
The Monte Cook Games logo, Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Invisible Sun, and their respective logos are are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content on this site or associated files derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2021 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Monte Cook Games permits web sites and similar fan-created publications for their games, subject to the policy given at The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Monte Cook Games is not responsible for this site or any of the content, that did not originate directly from Monte Cook Games, on or in it. Use of Monte Cook Games’s trademarks and copyrighted materials anywhere on this site and its associated files should not be construed as a challenge to those trademarks or copyrights. Materials on this site may not be reproduced or distributed except with the permission of the site owner and in compliance with Monte Cook Games policy given at