Wattson Bot is a Discord music bot.
'Circuit's broken! Someone else is here.'
A text channel called 'welcome' is required for Wattson to send welcome messages.
How to enable developer mode and getting channel id on Discord?
- Download voice lines and extract to './{Project dir}/data/'
- Open terminal in project dir and enter npm install.
- Rename .env.example to .env and fill in your tokens.
- Enter your bot token to TOKEN.
- Enter your bot client to CLIENT_ID.
- Enter your welcome channel name to WELCOME_CHANNEL_NAME.
- Open terminal in project dir.
- Enter node ./deployCommands.js.
- After that, you can start Wattson with node ./index.js.
- Done! Wattson should be alive now!
Don't forget to give;
- 'Send Messages',
- 'Send Messages in Threads',
- 'Embed Links',
- 'Attach Files',
- 'Read Message History',
- 'Mention Everyone',
- 'Use Slash Commands',
- 'Connect',
- 'Add Reactions',
- 'Speak'
permissions to Wattson!
- /help : Wattson replies with her commands.
- /random
- parameters:
- text: Wattson replies with random Wattson text quip.
- voice: Wattson replies with random Wattson voice line.
- parameters:
- /nessie : Wattson replies with random Nessie image.
- /author: Wattson replies with Wattson bot contributors.
- subcommands:
- song: Wattson will play song with given url.
- search: Wattson will find and play song with given keywords.
- playlist: Wattson will play playlist with given url.
- subcommands:
/pause: Wattson displays the current song queue.
/resume: Wattson found no songs in the queue.
/stop: Wattson stops the plays songs and clears the queue.
/skip: Wattson skips the current song.
/queue: Wattson displays the current song queue.
/info: Wattson displays info about the currently playing song.
- Wattson says hello when she joins new channel.
- Wattson says welcome users who joined channel.