Cinemobile is an android application that allows you to discover movies. There is a movie recommend bot. When you click it Cinemobile recommends you a movie. Also there is search support. The user can search any movies among thousand of movies.
- Retrofit -> to fetch movie datas from TMDB.
- Room -> to save users favorite movies to local database.
- ViewModel -> to hold live-data and flow datas.
- LiveData -> to hold observable data.
- Flow -> to receive live updates from local and remote.
- Coroitunes -> to load datas asynchronously.
- Dagger-Hilt -> to integrate dependency injection.
- ViewBinding -> to access and bind xml views.
- Navigation -> to pass between fragments.
- Paging -> paging big movie lists.
- Lottie -> to load animations to get better ui.
- ShimmerView -> showing shimmer until load the datas.
- Google-Ads -> to load banner and interstitial ads.
Copyright 2021 Ahmet Faruk Çuha